But It Is Cute
December 29, 1998
Every time I go to the lake
well, sometimes I take a golf cart
and sometimes I just walk there
well, every time I go to the lake
I feed the fish
and yes, I make small pieces
so that the little fish have a chance
yes, so that they have a chance
to be big fish
and eat other fish
survival of the fittest, I suppose
well, every once in a while
one big fish makes his move
he watches the little fish eat for a while
then the big fish moves quickly
and tries to eat a little fish
they move so fast
maybe they catch one
maybe they miss
but every once in a while
a little fish
in trying to get away
from the attacking big fish
well, every once in a while
a little fish
ends up at the side of the lake
out of the water
flopping around
and when I get to see that
I think to myself,
well, wait, and see
if that little fish
flops his way back into the water
which he does
you can call this scene
something like divine intervention
something like, the little fish
was strong enough to get back
into the water
and maybe
the fish was just flopping around
until it was able to breathe again
but it is cute
cruel, but cute

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.