Deal With That Over The Years
December 30, 1998
Okay, I know I am a tall girl
And apparently most men are shorter than me
And I’ve had to learn to deal with that
Over the years
And no, it is not like you are
Just over five feet tall
You’re not short
And I wasn’t even looking at your height
Even though you are just about as tall as me
I was too busy thinking that you were cute
And I was too busy liking having
a conversation with you
And I liked how you flirted with me
And I liked that even when you talked to me
Even when it did not seem like flirting
Well, even when we were just talking
Well, I liked that, too
and yes, I know I am a tall girl
but I never thought that you were too short
and I never thought you were not adorable
In fact, I thought that I liked you
and I thought maybe you liked me too
and no, I never thought about your height

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.