Do You Still Want To See Me
I should not be angry
That you have not called me
I should learn to expect that
I know, I know, you have a job
And I am on vacation
But do you still want to see me
You didn’t promise to call
I just hoped
And maybe it is just me that was let down
I know I have a lot going on in my life
I know there is a lot out there
And I seldom get to enjoy that
So that would be why I
was looking forward to hearing from you
well, I was
We got two messages on the answering machine
Today, both just hang ups
And that could have been you trying
But if it was, you didn’t leave a message
Well, I can at least hope, you know
And I can say that I’ve been thinking about you
And that I have wanted you
And in such a short time
I think it is possible that I can miss you too
And I want to learn more about you
And I want to have more memories with you
And I want to be able to learn from you
And I want someone to teach me something
that someone could be you

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.