Going To A Rock Concert
November 26, 1998
Okay, so I know I’m an old lady
at least I feel that way some of the time
but I went to a concert last night
and it was for a band that I wanted to see
that I had seen before
and yes, I was dying to get out of the house
and yes, I wanted to be in
a new and different place
and I got that
and everyone that was there
was a good ten to twenty years
younger than me
unless of course, they were going with a parent
and when the lead singer would turn around
on stage
all the girls would scream
and that’s when I realized how old I was
I mean, was I that way
when I was ten years younger?
Well, maybe I was
No, wait, I didn’t
Do I want to see this guy’s butt
when he turns around on stage?
well, maybe I don’t
I guess performers like that
make moves like that
to make all the little girls scream
well, I don’t know
what the little girls were thinking
to see the stars of their dreams
that they bought tickets to see
with money they didn’t earn and
got from their parents instead
well, I don’t know
what the little girls were thinking
well, maybe they were thinking
that this time things
could be different for them
and maybe they would get
a chance to meet the stars
and maybe they would
become a famous singer too
well, maybe a famous groupie
that’s probably a more appropriate guess
well, I don’t know what they were thinking
I know what I was thinking
and I thought, boy, these people
are really being silly
I’m not that old, mind you,
but that’s what I was thinking
maybe that’s what I was supposed to think

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.