Here’s your chance
September 9, 1998
Sometimes the most unconscious things
happen in life
Or I guess,
I should say that about
“my life,”
but then I’d sound like I was
So I have to keep it all
to myself,
and I just have to take all of
the crap that is dished out to me all
the time, and
then when I want to let my
anger out
no one wants to take the
time to listen to me
or even act like
they’re listening to me
I kept my life
a secret from the rest of the world
for so many years,
and now that I feel
I have to let out my emotions and my
disgust with everything in the world
that is so wrong,
well then,
then no one
wants to take the time to be there for me
They’d rather bitch back instead of
attempt to make any attempts to help
That’s my luck
I should just
get used to it
that’s what the world does
everyone would rather
kick me when I’m down
Well, I’m down now
This is your chance
Go nuts
I have been told all of my life by certain
usually the ones that should be
considered the smart ones
well, I’ve been
told all of my life that I should talk more
and I should get over my problems and that
things will get better when I least expect it
Well, things aren’t better, things are just
getting worse, and no one can help me
through this pain or this anger, and I want to
change so many things
in my life
and no one
will let me make any attempts
to make my life better
If I’m supposed to make a
difference in my life and I’m also not
allowed to change a god-damned thing
in my life either, then I suppose I should
just tell you all that this is your chance
and you can do with me what you will

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.