I Know It’s Not Going To Happen
There are so many things that I think about
maybe that is one of my curses
but I think of these things every once in a while
things that are supposed to make me smile
and things that are supposed to make me angry too
and sometimes I like to think about the good things
whether or not they happen to me
but I can think
and I know these things are not going to happen
but I can fantasize about it
every once in a while
and because I’m here
and I have the time here to think about it
I can think about you
I can think about how you liked me
and I can think about how strong you were
and I can think that you could have been
a good challenge for me
that you would have put limits on me
that you would not have let me
do whatever I want
and maybe that would have been good for me
and I think about how nice it would be
just to hear that you still like me
even after a decade
and I know I should never have let your down
and I know I should never have
looked for someone else
well, for that I’m still paying
and I don’t know if you are married now
or if you ever got married and now
you are going through a divorce
I would like to think of it that way, you know
I suppose you could be single
but I assume that some woman
would have swept you up by now
and someone would have taken you away
from the rest of the women out there
including me

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.