Is To Blame For It
When I think of all
the spots that hurt on my body,
it could be because Im getting old,
it could be because I was in an accident,
I dont know
and I try not to talk about the problems
too much, even though I think about
the pain
its like a regular thing
in my life
but at least I know that the
sinus problems arent going away
the loud noise of my breathing
gets louder on one side of my head
that happens when my sinuses
are acting up on me
Id rather breathe out of my mouth
than my nose
because the noise of my breathing
isnt so loud when I breathe
out of my mouth
and I keep getting reminded
that I should be breathing
out of my nose, not my mouth
I think I knew that.
thank you.
the pain is still loud in my head.
I still have that problem.
but no one wants to hear about
problems like that, do they?
I hear that they dont.
Its not allergy season
and I still have allergy problems
the pollen count should be
going down outside
but I still have this problem
maybe somebodys just hit my head
too many times
and now my sinuses arent right
ive had this problem for months
but maybe someone else
is to blame for it

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.