Keep Yourself Occupied
Im getting to the point
where I start drinking water more now
because its supposed to be good for me
because its the healthy thing to do
I think underlyingly
I drink more water
because it stops me from eating more
Its not like I need to eat less
but its just easier when you have nothing
to do with your hands to want to
instinctively turn to food to
occupy your fingers and your spare time
I mean, its not like I sit around
thinking that I have to drink more water
because then the hunger pangs wont settle
in until later, but I suppose it is
something that on some levels
passes though my unconsciousness somehow
Does that mean I drink more water?
More than I did before. Yes. Does that
mean Im becoming dependent on
water drinking? I dont think so. It
just seems to be one of the better choices
out of so many other options of things to
do to keep yourself occupied

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
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