Kill Yourself
October 24, 1998
what if you wanted to kill yourself
what if, after all the bad stuff that has happened to you,
you thought, I can hang myself or
I can take some pills or I can shoot myself
in the head or I can just lay there and wait for a car
to run me over
where would you be to get to that point
where you thought it was an option
that you’d rather be dead than alive
even if the family has to prepare your belongings
even if everyone who cared about you
has to mourn you
how do you get to that point
to want to let your life stop
to try to seek out an end to your life
how do you get to that point
how do you think of someone
who killed themselves
do you think, oh, they were nice,
they cared, I miss them,
they killed themselves
will you ever be able to
think of that person
in the same way again
would their death
be tainted to you
by their suicide
how did they get
to that point, you ask yourself
how did they get to that point

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.