My Height Any Longer
November 19, 1998
That’s the thing
I hate the most
about being a girl
I mean, I won’t even
make this an essay
about how men look at
women’s hooters first
and how men think women are
stupid because, well,
they’re girls
well, I’m smarter than you
that much I’m aware of
whether or not you
choose to believe it
but the one thing
that has bothered me
is not in the issue
that people think men
have to be different from women
well yes, in some ways they are
what bothered me
and granted I’m a girl,
and I’m almost five feet
eleven inches tall
well, I’ve been told more than once
from men that I can’t be that tall
because they are five foot
ten and I can’t be taller
than them
that’s another problem altogether
trying to prove to men
that you’re taller than they are
but I usually say
to them after they spew out a line like
“you can’t be that tall”
well, that’s when I usually say
“well, I’m wearing flat shoes now
and just standing here my
eyes are clearing your head
so either you slouch a lot
and you aren’t five foot ten
or you doctor told you that
you were that tell
because they assume that men
have to be tall and women
have to be shorter
so it has to be one of the other
either - you’re not that tall
or your doctor was a liar
which is it?”
they don’t like that answer either
oh well
so I’m taller
just find me a tall man
and let’s not talk
about my height any longer
(edited from original)
I won’t make this an essay about how men look at women’s hooters first
and how men think women are stupid because, well, they’re girls
well, I’m smarter than you
whether or not you choose to believe it
but I’ve been told more than once from men that I can’t be tall
may they think that because I’m a girl
but I am taller
so just find me a tall man
and let’s not talk about my height any longer

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.