no there isnt
I can stand alone
I don’t need you
and you think there’s
more to it than that,
but no, there isn’t
well, sometimes you’ve
got to do what you’ve
got to do, and you just
get it done
when it’s got
to get done, you have to
remember that people
(when actors and actresses)
who do it on television,
well, they and the
directors have no
idea how to get it done.
Well, sometimes the
world and everything kind of
shows what it’s made of
and sometimes you have
to survive all the crap that’s
thrown in your direction.
So sometimes it’s important
to understand that I don’t
need all the crutches that
people usually give
themselves, but it’s true, I
don’t need you, and I can
get along fine without you
three months since the
accident in the car do I
feel any different
Should the world
be now revolving
at a different pace
Or was everyone just used to the
change of the earth’s speed
when it changed
as if it was something they just never
chose to think about
Was everyone just used to
the world when it
started to feel this way?
So many people go through
life with a lack of emotion,
or a lack of feeling, or a
lack of thought
And I’ve never been asked
to function that way
I’ve never
been able to just let life
go by.
Maybe life stepped on me a few times
Well, you know what I’m
getting at with these metaphors
Maybe if life is just cruel that
way maybe life is storming
away and if you happen to be
in the way, well maybe life will
just accidentally step on you on the
way out, like if life doesn’t know
where it’s going when it’s just
trying to leave
Well, at times
like that you just have to be
ready for a battle, maybe it’s
a battle you weren’t expecting to
run into in the first place, but
sometimes you just have to be ready
for a conflict like that
Even if it never comes to get you,
you have to be ready for that
potential problem, just in case.
Just in case it happens

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.