The Third or fourth
Fourth of September
September 4, 1998
some times you just have to grin and bear it
take the punches you have coming
admit to yourself that you’ve done wrong
just grin and bear it and roll with the punches
take your medicine, get the whole business over with.
Sometimes people forget when they
actually deserve a punch

I tell you, some times you just
have to grin and bear it and take
the punches you have coming. I
think it’s just appropriate to
admit to yourself that you’ve done
wrong and just grin and bear it
and roll with the punches. Just
take your medicine and get the
whole business over with.
Sometimes people just forget
when they might
actually deserve a punch. Don’t
you think it would be nicer of
people to just walk out into the
street and admit all their
wrongs and get ready to take a
punch or two or a few from whomever happens
to be walking by at the time.
If only
more people came forward and
made the effort to be openly honest

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.