The Answers
September 6, 1998
Someone there’s no key to
getting answers for this now
Sometimes you kick and you
for information
and no one
will give you any help and you’ll
have no place to turn
That’s what
the world is like, you know
just in case you hadn’t figured
it all out and in case you were
still looking for someone to help you
save the day and magically make
everything turn better
I don’t
know how all those magician
people make everything
better, instantly, unless it’s
all just one big hoax provided
by television tricks and the like
sometimes you kick and you scream for information
and no one will give you any help and you’ll have
no place to turn
that’s what the world is like, you know

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.