the world
Sometimes the world doesnt seem fair
I thought it was necessary to tell you that,
if you didnt know it and you didnt mind hearing it
I wanted to the first to tell you about that
sometimes the world can see what everything is like
sometimes the world can be the first to stab you in the back
isnt it funny how the nicest things can hurt you,
always when youre not looking
always when you expect it the least.
there are so many times when Ive wanted things different
theyre never like anyone elses
and you never know how to go about solving the cricis
and everyone seems to have a better answer
and everyone seems to have everything under control
and everyone cant have it as good as you
and why does everyone else get the easy breaks
but you, this time, not you.

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.