To Get To That Point
November 15, 1998
I haven’t figured out how to relax yet
I see people do it
I see people lounging around
but I’m always thinking
and I’ve been trying to figure out how to stop that
it’s like, I wish there was just a switch
for your brain, so that
when you don’t want to think you could just
shut the brain off, or put it in
“sleep mode,” as they say
for computers
well anyway, I’ve just been thinking that
I need to learn how to relax
I even bought one of those
massage mats for chairs
that vibrate and stuff
and I have to admit, it’s a nice mat
it is very relaxing
I enjoy it
but the key is, I have to
get me to the mat in the first place
because I could buy all the traps in th world
to help me relax more
but I have to want to use them
and I have to use them too, I guess
and that’s where my dilemma is
I don’t know how to get to that point

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.