What I Go Through
over the years
there are so many things that I have thought about
I always wonder if other people
think the way I do
but with everything
that has happened to me this year
I did think of you
I wondered what it was like
for you to be in pain
if you thought it was the end for you
if you knew what was going on
my friend gave me one of your earrings yesterday
i think it was the last one you wore
and when i heard that he still had it
i wanted it
i wanted to have something of yours
other than these damn memories
we should have had more memories together
you know that
maybe its better this way
thats what I keep telling myself
i have to keep
telling myself things, you know
to keep me sane
but if theyre right
and you know my thoughts
then i suppose you know what I go through
when all youve got
are memories
dont you have to fill
your time with something?

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.