Dreams 01-16-04
I woke up in the middle of the night,
as I usually do now,
I can’t seem to sleep the night through
to save my life,
but anyway, I woke at 3:37 this morning
and that was the only time
I remembered a dream from last night.
I think I was at home,
but I don’t remember what my home looked like,
but I think I was there,
and I tried to call a male friend of mine,
and I couldn’t connect -
the operator wouldn’t connect me through
so I couldn’t leave a message.
So I hung up the phone and thought,
wait, I should call someone else in Chicago,
but who? Then I thought,
‘Rachel’, so I got out my address book,
looked under ’S’, and read her number.
three one two, four five three,
four five six two.
(Now, that’s not really her number,
but this is what I dreamed.)
And I dialed the number,
I remember pushing those numbers
on the key pad,
and then John came in the front door.
I felt panicked,
I made a gesture to hand up the phone,
she hadn’t answered yet anyway,
but then I thought,
Wait, he wants me to call friends more often,’
and that’s when I woke up.

Copyright © 2011 Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.