Dreams 01-18-04
Woke up twice again last night,
once at 3:47, and once at 4:40.
I fell back asleep, but I remember
the dream from when I woke up
that second time, at 4:40.
There really wasn’t much to the dream,
but I’m sure these dreams say something
about me, so here goes:
I was at home, and two friends
were coming over, we were going out,
I don’t know where, but it’s like
they were picking me up to go somewhere.
I checked the clock
and they should have been here by now,
and so I walked to the bathroom
at the end of the hall
to put on some eye liner
(I hadn’t put any make up on to go out),
and I remember putting it on
and it was messy on one side,
but I figured
I could smear it around
to smooth it out,
so I put the eye liner pencil down
and started to walk back down the hall.
I could see out the window that
the two women were outside,
so I walked to the door
and looked more closely out the window,
and they were playing with two large dogs.
(Did they own the dogs
or were the dogs someome else’s?)
Well anyway, I opened the door
and they looked up and said hi,
and asked how I knew they were here
because they didn’t knock,
and I said I saw them through the window,
and I’m ready to go if they want to.
I don’t know,
I think John was doing something
in the kitchen, he was there,
but doing something else.
But I was determined to get going,
it seemed like I wasn’t interested
in inviting them in,
not because I didn’t want them to see the house,
but because we had a schedule,
and I didn’t want to be late,
we couldn’t have that,
so my brain was thinking
that we should just get going
so that we keep on time.

Copyright © 2011 Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.