Dreams 02/20/04 two
I woke up at 5:30 with this dream,
I apparently was working
in downtown Chicago again,
and it was night time
and I got to the building I worked in
with a coworker.
I don’t know what I did
at my job,
and I don’t know what
this big black woman did
that was at the building
at the same time as me.
Well anyway, we were standing there,
because the building was locked,
but you know we could get in
because we worked there,
we must have had keys or something,
and the lady said,
There’s a fire
on the fourteenth floor.
We can’t go in.
And there was no fire that I could see,
and I didn’t know how
this lady could know there was a fire.
But no one was there,
and I wondered of we should go in,
but she left,
and I walked away with her.
We were walking through downtown
so we could get to our train stations,
and I knew my train was an hour long
for me to get home,
and I think I wanted someone I knew
to join me
so I wouldn’t have to deal with
being alone for the entire ride home.
Then I went back to sleep
for another hour
and there was more to my dream
when I woke up at 6:30.
I seemed to have picked up
on where I left off in my dream.
I was walking through downtown at night
with this lady, and I started talking about
things in Chicago I remembered.
I mentioned that
there was a building on Wacker Drive,
north of Randolph or Lake,
in that east-west curve
before it goes north again,
and the building had huge windows,
a few stories tall,
and they had huge statues in their lobby.
I remembered this because at Christmas time
the people from the building would put
big Santa caps on the statues
for everyone to see through the windows.
And then for some reason I talked about
meeting Charlie Trotter at my old job,
he spoke at our trade show,
and I was reading an Ayn Rand book,
‘Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal,’
and he started talking to me about Ayn Rand.
And then I said that he was
a really well-known chef,
because Emeril Lagasse was there too,
but this was before he had his own show,
and Charlie Trotter was as well known
as Emeril Lagasse was.
Well, anyway, I then remembered
that while I was at one of our trade shows
we had dinner at Nola’s,
his restaurant,
so he prepared a custom meal for me,
and I remember thinking
that the restaurant name “Nola”
was not for New Orleans, LA - Louisiana,
but that it was Emeril Lagasse’s wife’s name.
That was when I woke up.

Copyright © 2011 Janet Kuypers.
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