John Stories
An older white woman, who after shopping,
saw four black men in her car.
Deciding to be safe,
she owned a gun,
and took it out of her purse,
pointing it at the four men
and telling them to get out of the car.
The men left,
but she soon realized
that she was not at her her,
so she found her car
in the parking lot
a few minutes later.
Feeling bad for what she had done,
she drove to the police station
to let them know what happened
in that grocery store parking lot.
As she told the story to the police officer,
he laughed, and pointed out
the four black men at the station
reporting their car jacking
by an old white lady.
No charges were filed.

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.