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The Emotion In DNA

As technology moves forward
yet people contradict science and push it backward

yes, it’s true
people shy away from science

think I’m wrong?
here’s my proof:
people want to discount
the use of DNA testing in criminal trials

how many years have scientists
used DNA tests to determine
someone committed a crime?
DNA evidence is hard, scientific evidence

And in trials, evidence
hard, scientific evidence
is what is needed to decide a verdict

with DNA evidence
people can accept science
and trust evidence

but that trend
accepting this science
is now being fought

I quote the spokesman for the Illinois
Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office:
“DNA may be important,
it’s not the ace that trumps all other cards”

cases are increasingly being tried
even when DNA tests show
the person in custody did not commit the crime

Recall the O.J. Simpson trial
when hard evidence was refuted
        with claims that evidence was mishandled
but hard evidence was refuted
with unfounded claims
of a police conspiracy
or the theory that this was a drug hit

it was sad that these emotional pleas
and not DNA evidence
won over the jury and decided the case

people not argue against logic and science
by making a plea to emotions

O.J. Simpson loved his wife
    he lawyers said
they introduced additional theories
            with or without merit
the lawyers were pleading to the jury
based on their emotions

just remember that all of these pleas
are just that

the problem is that the world tries to pair
the belief in logic, science and reason
with clinging to faith and tradition

they can’t allow both sides to be right

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

my hand to an anim of jkchair

Kuypers at Artvilla

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