Dreams 03-11-06
one, two and three
I am so disoriented
how unsettling these memories are

part I
my first memory must be
because of the sewage problems
we’ve had in our home
because for some reason
I was in the shower,
but a piece of poo
managed to get into the shower stall drain
and all I could think was, well,
I have to get some water on it
so it would dissipate
and go down the drain,
because this still has to be better
than poop in the toilet
because the toilet ALWAYS backs up
when there’s poop in the toilet

part II
I think this memory comes to me
because I saw E! network news highlights
of Brittany Spears looking fat,
like she’s pregnant,
even though she keeps denying her pregnancy
well, I think that’s where this came from
because I was with my husband
and a bunch of other people
in a hall, like we were
all there for a timeshare meeting or something
and were all waiting
for some sort of contest results
and then an announcement came
over the speakers
that said they were announcing
the pregnancy of Janet Kweepers...
Kwee-oopers... yes, they tried
to pronounce it correctly twice
and still screwed it up
and when I heard this
I collected my things
and was very disgruntled
because I knew I couldn’t be pregnant,
I had my period recently
and hadn’t had sex since then
and I remember thinking
that I may look fat,
like I’ve got a lot of weight at my stomach,
but I’m not pregnant

part III
there was nothing more to this memory
than someone telling me,
I think because of rights violations,
that I couldn’t publish the book “Stop.”
I know this memory is because
we offered to have a set of Internet art pages
for that idiot Xanadu
but she was stupid enough to think
that the space was for other people’s art too
even though it only has her name on the pages
(God, I hate stupid people)
but someone was saying
I couldn’t publish the book “Stop.”
and I assume it was because I would be taking
work from someone else
to publish that book,
and all I could think
was that the writing was mine,
and when I did a performance art show of it
I read all of the material,
and the images I used in the show
were images I had created
I wasn’t going to put any of the songs
I covered in the show
into the book,
so for all intents and purposes
everything in that book was mine
and I had every right to publish it

part IV
why are these memories so disjointed,
disheveled and confusing?
I kept hearing noises upstairs to disrupt me
and maybe it made my mind scatter,
but why can’t I settle
all of these other useless issues during my day?

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.