Dreams 02/10/06
Its strange,
Im out of town,
and my husband mailed
a stuffed animal to me,
a cat,
because I was out of town
and my husband was with my cats
so while I was out of town
I received
a stuffed animal cat,
the box said on it
that I was even supposed to name it
his name is Hank
(okay, Hank Rearden,
but you just call him Hank)
but I stay in bed every night
and Hank is with me
and you know, I wake up
one to three times a night,
so while Im up
I feel for Hank
and I make sure
hes close to me
before I fall back asleep
so this happened last night,
I woke up at 4:30
and I moved my arms
and felt Hank nearby
so I moved him closer
so it was like he was under the blankets
the way my cat Zach
will sometime be curled up
under the blankets with me
well, I slept
for just a little while
and when I woke up again
I remembered that I dreamt
that I was in bed with my cat Zach
and he was under the blankets
in the exact same position
that the stuffed cat Hank was
the thing is though,
Zach the cat
doesnt like to be held under the blankets
for too long
hed rather not be held
so he can lay down
between my legs in the bed
if hes not at my feet
on top of the blankets
although I cant hear Hank pur,
and although his fur isnt as soft,
at least I dont have to feed him
and he wont complain
when I want to curl up with him
in bed

Copyright © 2006 Janet Kuypers.
U.S. Government Copyright © 2004
Chicago Poet Janet Kuypers
on all art and all writings on this site completed
before 6/6/04. All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.