[the Writing of Kuypers]
but there was this one guy,
looking back,
Well anyway, I was walking thoguh
but after that
U.S. Government Copyright © 2004
Dreams 04/29/06 hotel flirting
so I just have been out of town
with a bunch of friends
and for some reason
I had been trying to meet people,
like maybe I was flirting,
I dont know,
even though Im married
and he was shorter than me
and he had some weight one him,
and every time I saw him in the hotel
he was wearing his bruiness suit,
I dont know,
he must have been in town
on business.
he kind of reminded me
of Spencer Barnard,
a trader in a suburb
who backstabbed his way
up a corporate ladder
in an investment company
and never paid attention
to his clients, unless
they were clients that gave
him tons of money to invest.
Now, this guy wasnt Spencer,
Im just saying,
he looked l ike him.
Someone out of town for work,
wearing the god-awful
suit all the time.
the huge front lobby area
of this hotel, I was alone,
it was morning, and
I think I was going
to have breakfast in the hotel
because they offered free
breakfasts to people
staying in their hotel.
Well anyway, I was walking and
this guy in the suit came up to me
to say hello,
and I asked if he wanted
to have breakfast.
He said, no, and then
we were near a glass
floor-to-ceiling window
by a door, and there was a hotel
Jacuzzi just outside,
on the other side
of the huge plane of glass.
I looked, and John was there,
I want to say other people
were there with us at this hotel,
like Brian,
but I dont know who else,
by John was there, and I think
he was trying to see
through the glass
to see if anyone would meet him
in the hot tub.
So I tried to signal
from inside the hotel
so he might be able to see me,
and I even took a magazine
I was holding
and placed it up against the glass
so he might get the idea that I saw him
I dont remember anything else.
I dont know
if the fat trader-like guy in the suit
of if I saw John,
or what.
Everything else is just a blur.
Copyright © 2006 Janet Kuypers.
Chicago Poet Janet Kuypers
on all art and all writings on this site completed
before 6/6/04. All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.