Dreams 09/04/06
Original High School Pot
Janet Kuypers, 09/04/06 8:06 AM #1
I was in high school
and apparently for this high school
you lived in a dorm,
so we were all living in this building
but it was high school
and we were all apparently
just a bunch of kids
trying to do well in school
and studying
so anyway, Original Cindy
(yes, from the Show Dark Angel)
was another student
at this high school
and she was a friend of mine
staying in the same dorm building
as I was
well anyway, she appareently
managed to get a ride
to go to a college town
to see friends
for a weekend or something
and she came back from her trip
a changed person
saying college is totally different
that they have pot there
and everything is so laid back
and I knew she had changed as a person
but I went about my business
anyway, I was downstairs
near the entrance
and I saw a few cops come in
I dont know, four or five
and they were asking
where Original Cindy was
so I dont know what they wanted her for
but I thought Id at least give
Original Cindy a heads up
and tell her cops were looking for her
because the people at the front offices
would tell the cops where she lived
so I got to her room
and I could hear music playing
through the crack under her door
so being her friend, I just
opened the door to come in
and the room was dark,
except for black lights
and the room reeked of pot
and there were probably twelve people
in her room total
I walked in a few feet
saw a few people laying down and making out
so I just kept looking
in the black light
until I could see Original Cindy
when I spotted her I said,
Original C,
just wanted to tell you
the cops are here
and theyre looking for you
and she said
she didnt care
and I told her
that she might want to try
to get the pot out of her room
and she said
shes not going to change
and shes not gonna let the cops
change her
and thats all I can remember

Copyright © 2006 Janet Kuypers.
U.S. Government Copyright © 2004
Chicago Poet Janet Kuypers
on all art and all writings on this site completed
before 6/6/04. All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.