Harder To Burn
Janet Kuypers, 09/06/06 #2
you know, you hear of goth teenagers
liking the idea of posters of caskets
or you see come Halloween
props of caskets at trick stores
and tacky novelty shops
or Hell, my husband even saved
a casket-shaped Black Death vodka bottle case
it’s funny, caskets
imagine Son of Svengouli
coming out of a casket
to introduce another B horror movie
(or was it Elvira
that came out of a casket?)
and hey, didn’t one of those tacky tv shows
I don’t know, The Munsters, I’m not sure
didn’t a show like that have someone
who was a vampire that slept in a coffin?
ah, the humor
of a carton for carrying a dead body
right now, all I can think of
is the cardboard-based casket
we chose for viewing my mother
before she was cremated
yes, there was a wood finish
possibly a veneer
but you don’t spend for a quality casket
for a cremation,
I mean, a better wood
is harder to burn
so settle for cardboard
ah, think of the novelty to caskets
when you’re forced to deal with them
so concretely, so practically, so literally, so finally
think of the novelty

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
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