Supposed to Make Sense
Janet Kuypers
(started 10/18/11, completed 10/19/11)
come and make your choice
they say
as half of you
can’t choose amongst yourselves
to save yourselves
and each of you
even with your color-coded lines
can’t even make sense of yourselves
and we’re supposed to make sense
of your childish banter,
your name-calling and your temper tantrums -
we’re supposed to make sense of you ?
I look at all these suitors
asking me to decide
and I wonder:
if it’s not your religion
that keeps me away from you,
if I try not to think
about how you don’t respect women,
I’m still stuck with the notion
that you still can’t do
what you’re supposed to do.
you tell me to decide,
when I know someone else will choose you.
I think it only matters to you
how many of us reject you.
knowing you,
I know you’ll probably brush it off
and come back later
asking for my hand again.
I’m sorry.
maybe you should get back
to courting someone
who doesn’t know any better.

Copyright © 2011 Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.