Overloaded with Liabilities
Janet Kuypers
Now, I checked into this: This company
with offices near my house
has assets of over six billion dollars,
and liabilities
of just over two point three billion.
And according to the assets
to liabilities ratio,
a common economic indicator
(where your assets should always be
much bigger than your liabilities),
this company should watch it’s money
and spend very thriftily until
the company is financially more comfortable
and can then rest on their assets.
Now, I’m no economics major,
but I just heard that the
U.S. Government has something like
two point three trillion in assets,
and sixteen trillion in liabilities.
As I said, I’m no accountant,
but I know numbers,
and I wonder what the U.S. Government
has to do, before it can be
financially comfortable and we can begin
once again to rest on our assets.