well, someone is 2005
started 10/28/98, converted to prose 09/28/05
Where do you draw the time over what is too much and what is not enough? Ive been thinking about that.
Really, Ive been thinking about you and Ive been wondering how much thinking is too much, and how much is not nearly enough. Where do you draw that line?
You never want to see me and yes, Im beginning to get used to that. Maybe thats what I should be thinking, that I can be used to you not caring.
Maybe you dont know that I care.
Well, I told you.
You must have just changed your mind or lied to me one of the other.
And I dont like either option.
We were supposed to have a happy life together. We were supposed to get married remember us talking about it? Im sure you dont remember. I do. I remember.
But now you dont think of marriage. Thats one of your little ways to let me know how you feel.
And yes, Im beginning to understand and Im beginning to feel it. Are you trying to make me feel this way?
Well, someone is...

U.S. Government Copyright
Chicago Poet Janet Kuypers
on all art and all writings on this site completed
before 6/6/04. All rights reserved. No material
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