[the Writing of Kuypers]
I know what goes on in your head. I know all those characters you’ve created. I know all the Hell in your past... I know the mishmash of everything crammed into your head.
All rights reserved. No material
Tribal Scream 2010
Janet Kuypers
(poetry converted to prose)
and I know a part of that is killing you, and I want you to let it out. I want you to just open your mouth and let out a tribal never ending scream. because I know you. I know you’ve got too much life in you. I know you’ve got a carbonated soul... and I know that one good scream would let you pop the top of you, like a bottle of Coke-a-cola. bubbles of compressed air would be coming out of your mouth in your tribal scream.
I wonder what characters you would spill out. I wonder what you would do when you saw what you rejected; what you screamed out.
I wonder if you’d see parts of your past.
I wonder if you’d know they were a part of you, and try to stuff them back in.
Copyright © 2010 Janet Kuypers.
may be reprinted without express permission.