“An Exploration of women’s issues through the psychotic ramblings of a convicted killer”
the impromptu 10/20/09 Chicago Janet Kuypers feature
On May 20th 2009, Janet Kuypers planned to go to the open mic at “the Cafe” to read poetry and watch the scheduled feature, but because of emails of 2009 the Cafe host Charlie Newman, Kuypers (on a whim) brought along props for potentially reading the short shory “crazy” as a feature, the the current feature did not come ot the Cafe to read.
Kuypers read the short story “crazy” in a previous poetry and performance art show (Seeing Things Differently in 1997), but John Yotko asked her to perform this shory as a full future show in itself, so Kuypers decided to set it up like she was the character in this story, for reading as a mini-feature. Because she already had performed at scheduled shows at “the Cafe” in Chicago this year already, the only way this short story would be performed would be if an existing feature backed out of their scheduled show.
So, without a microphone, Kuypers created a bed from existing tables and a spare blanket, and she changed into clothes fitting for a person in a mental hospital (she even used her regular clothes to make a pillow for her mock bed). While playing Solitaire, she pwas thrilled to erform this storyto a live audience in Chicago 10/20/09.
Charlie Newman, the current host at “the Cafe” (where this impromptu show took place), even commented on the show to Kuypers a day after the performance:
“I think it’s one of the best features I’ve ever seen you (Kuypers) do.
Truly outstanding.”
