![]() Janet Kuypers’ Expressions 2016! New Beginnings: the Future of Poetry show with live keyboard & guitar music “New Beginning, Firsts and the Future” ![]() Though the theme of the night with other features focused on the “future of poetry”, Janet Kuypers considered “new beginnings” and made her show all about firsts in life, from a new born, to her first poem, the first job to getting married, to trying new things — she even included her first song as the finalé to her show (all with live keyboard music and occasional acoustic guitar from John). Before the show started she also released copies to most everyone there of a chapbook of the writings she was performing in her show (in the order they were performed), and all of the pieces from this reading were also released electronically in a “New Beginning, Firsts and the Future” chapbook, which you can download as a PDF file for free any time. There is also a YouTube playlist of the videos of this show, and there are also two additional web page listings for the videos from this show — one is at Scars Video (at www.artvilla.com/scars), and the other is from the main listing at artvilla. Below are video links to the live performance of “New Beginning, Firsts and the Future” at Expressions 2016! New Beginnings: the Future of Poetry in Austin. |