the Bastard Trio
Jeremy Evans: Guitar
Ryan Novak: Saxophone
Paul Baker: Drums
The Experimental / Jazz band the Bastard Trio is based in Madison, Wisconsin and has played a number of live shows in Chicago, Illinois. For more information on them, or for information on their upcoming shows, go to their myspace page
They released their first CD in 2006 called Survival of the Fist, and we have mp3 files you can listen to right here from their CD, Survival of the Fist.

from Survival of the Fist, listed in track order:

The Burrowing Oak Demon (4:41)
A Prairie Home Combustion (5:16)
Goes Absolutely Jumping Up And Down (3:40)
Smashed Asunder, My Romantic Gesture (3:36)
Hula Salsa (3:48)
Bastard Seconds (1:55)
My Goat is On Fire (5:07)
Wolf in Sheep (2:31)
Joy of Mans Perspiring (2:25)
Together We Will Try to Understand What Threatens Them (3:00)
There is Love an an Apple and This Apple is for You (5:46)
I Love All My Beautiful Babies (2:20)
Hardly it Ends (14:02)

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We have found that quicktime can view these basic and free movies, and you can get quicktime for free off of the Internet.
You can also download Media Player, for Macintosh or for Windows to see some video files.

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The following is a list of media players, their native playback media type, and where they
can be downloaded.
- Quicktime Player
Plays compressed and uncompressed Quicktime v1, v2, and v3 files. (.mov)
Visit Apple's Quicktime site to download.
- Windows Media Player
Natively plays basic audio(.au), .mid, and .wav. In some cases, installation of the
Windows Media Player will take over playback of media types without notification.
To get the Player, visit Microsoft's free download
- WinAmp
Plays MP2, MP3, MOD, CD, .wav and other formats.
Visit the Winamp site to download the Winamp Player.
- Vivo Player
Plays Vivo files natively.
Download the Vivo Player from
- Crescendo
Plays Midi(.mid) files natively.
Download the Crescendo player from