Dusty Dog Reviews The whole project is hip, anti-academic, the poetry of reluctant grown-ups, picking noses in church. An enjoyable romp! Though also serious. |
Nick DiSpoldo, Small Press Review (on Children, Churches and Daddies, April 1997) Children, Churches and Daddies is eclectic, alive and is as contemporary as tomorrow’s news. |
![]() Cindy Sheehan’s 16th Minute of Fame
Casey Sheehan joined the army in 2000, and was killed in battle April 4, 2004. After his death, his mother Cindy decided to protest the war, actually meeting with President Bush once before deciding to camp at his Crawford, TX vacation home for a month to protest the war.
When he was captured (after C J Laity made him poet of the month at www.chicagopoetry.com), news teams rushed to where I read poetry, and everyone there said the usual I can’t believe this about him. I never would have expected it... If only I wasn’t late that evening to the open mike, because knowing his personality, I would have told the news crews that this doesn’t surprise me at all about him...
![]() poetrythe passionate stuff![]() ![]() Coal & GoldMichelle Greenblatt
Today I reached for the coal
meanwhile all this *
I had a vision of this prologue 7.8.-8.11.2005
![]() ![]() The ChurchArthur Gottlieb
is going broke.
Bingo cards are being
Statues of saints
We all pray Christ
Holy water liquidated,
Everything goes
![]() SOMETIMES COOLJames B. Nicola
Sometimes Cool
Sometimes Cool
Sometimes Cool
If too many knew
As I try to put a frame around this picture of a life
![]() ![]()
Silicone culture toxic enough
my ugly angry face
that is why there should be mug and on the back of each grainy gangster image
should be their crime statistics and notable
like the one for Friedrich Nietzsche
until there was no more hypocristy left to hide how Heaven
He’s still alive but in a ward
And on occasion breaking in the junkie
while the junk food language
--whatever it takes to write
whatever it takes that you thought was dead
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (he drives)Erica A. L’Huillier
jamie and i, we ride
![]() Buddha Losana, art by Xanadu![]() ![]() ![]() Behind me nowDebbie Kirk
I play jump rope barefoot
I lost my echo
and his teeth were like the needles I’d later fall in love with. My mom would cut my peanut butter sandwiches into triangles I would try to invent a potion that would make me a mermaid.
I could roller skate better than anyone else my age
No one ever told me not to swim in the deep end
Like the gum my cousin put in my hair
I stood on my sand pail
Prisoners act like prisoners
I just wanted you to know
![]() From A Knife To A Bomb ![]() Dream of the old times and men carried swords defend with this honor we are said to possess North American Natives so carried long knives were seen belligerents defendants of the home Today we have the Iraq citizen planting bombs like flowers the roads to blow Yankee invader back where we are from © 2005 Frank Anthony
![]() All Wars Were Outmoded ![]() The dream this morning gone beyond this point of trusting a mechanic or guessing what wrong with the motor vehicle A transportation dream is actually about life Motor followed a horse then came US jet plane next interspace flight Real problem is of Men not able to love other than own greedy selves © 2005 Frank Anthony
![]() ![]() Acid Ocean, artwork by David Matson![]() ![]() Reality TV StarsCorey Cook
The crew’s cameras, lights,
Red AlertMark D. Cohen
Static on the highways
The rebels yelling, Massacre!
Oh, for the good old days
When will this end? 5/19/05, 5/20/05, and 8/16/05
![]() THE DEATH OF LIFELisa Michelle Thomas
Life is for the living, yet none are living.
![]() ALL HEALTHY MENPhilip W. Perna
I came upon a man
![]() ![]() 9 G, artwork by Christine Sorich![]() ![]() THE SUN CRACKING BONESMather Schneider
ice water at
![]() ![]() ![]()
Digital Modification 01 and 05, art work by Mark Graham![]() ![]() The How-Lost? ManChristopher Barnes
A stroke the pip in blood
In thought-flow sleep, atrocious scraps,
![]() ![]()
artwork by Eric Bonholtzer![]()
![]() ![]() maybeJennifer Gentry
in church there is abandonment,
according to buddha
she believes life is nothing maybe she is god
* too ignorant to understand the mechanics of rainfall accredited to Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
![]() SUBURBANIZATIONShaun Millard
The wayward consumer
A lack of hills exist
![]() ![]() Do Not Enter!, art by Cheryl Townsend![]()
![]() BREAK THE MIRRORLuis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal
In the bathroom
![]() Self-Portrait in the DarkKaren E. Cole
It lives in a cave and does not see out
![]() ![]() Coffeehouse Sonnet (15)Michael Ceraolo
The light didn’t glint in his eye:
![]() ![]()
BackLit, art by Mike Hovancsek![]() ![]() Friday With The City![]() Robert Shields
It just sits there like an apple caught
![]() Brooklyn SiberiaAlex Galper
I live in Siberia Translated by Igor Satanovsky and Mike Magazinnik.
![]() ![]()
Lurk - Nasty, art by Joel MacGregor![]() ![]() Lenny as Avenging AngelKaren R. Porter
Grab a bottle
![]() ![]() performance art09/20/05 Scars Internet News SINlive performance art show at the Cafe, 5115 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago![]()
![]() Hello, and thanks for tuning into Scars Internet News. Like cc&d magazine’s News You Can Use, this is the news you’d like to hear more about in today’s world. Now for today’s top stories...
Japanese Television 2004edited 07/26/04, edited further 09-19-05as reported in the New York Times:
one new television show in Japan
I wonder what they’d think
come to think of it,
![]() ![]() bizarre sexual stories in the newsfrom the los angeles times:two gay men, during sexual activity, decide to push a live hampster into the anal cavity of one of the men. however, after they realized they couldn’t get the hampster out, they tried to figure out what to do. the man without the hampster inside him decided to light a match to see if he could see where the hampster was. so man-without-hampster is perched underneath man-with- hampster, and lights a match right under man-with-hampster’s anus. at that time man-with-hampster passes wind, and it causes a small streak of fire to jump out and singe the man-without-hampster’s eye- brows and facial hair. however, because there was gas in the anal cavity, the fireball then shot into the man-with-hampster, circled around the hampster, burning the inside of the man-with-hampster. Furthermore, the gas change and pressure shot the hampster out of the man-with-hampster’s anus and into the man-without-hampster’s face, breaking his nose.
![]() ![]() The Good DoctorCalifornia’s Dr. John Ronald Brown,had his medical license revoked in 1977 and was then in jail for three years
Brown later led potential patients to believe
but John Ronald Brown
in one case, a 79-year-old Philip Bondy
so John Ronald Brown, 75,
after his arrest,
a northern California businesswoman
Atlanta-based transgender author
which may explain why no one watched over
after his Saturday morning operation
Brown’s office was in Mexico
the wheelchair was turned upside-sown
and blood was oozing from the blackened
for you see, he was infected with gaseous gangrene
so in October, a San Diego jury
but people still have their fetishes
![]() ![]() couch potatoStewart, Florida was witnessto another new account of a woman in medical need.
Emergency Medical Technicians
But not only were the doorways The fabric had adhered to her skin.
They transported her
![]() ![]() warren storiesi heard this story about this fat womanwho sat naked on a pork chop bone once
and didn’t notice when it lodged itself
when she felt a sharp pain, and the doctors her up and found the pork chop, and realized
![]() ![]() John StoriesAn older white woman, who after shopping,saw four black men in her car. Deciding to be safe, she owned a gun, and took it out of her purse, pointing it at the four men and telling them to get out of the car.
The men left,
Feeling bad for what she had done, No charges were filed.
![]() ![]() God Will Save Meit was reported on October 27ththat a group of Jehovah’s Witnesses lost one of their members. In this small religious group of Jehovah’s Witnesses, they choose to test their faith by standing in the middle of traffic. The premise is that God will keep the traffic away from them. One of their members stood on I55 professing their beliefs to the oncoming traffic, but one motorist wasn’t listening. Or watching.
![]() ![]() I Wanna Be Like Jesusas reported in Los Angeles, Californiain November: one group of Christians apparently wanted to truly be like Jesus, and tried to learn how to walk on water. Day by Day, these Christians were trying to get closer to God until the leader of this small Los Angeles group, while practicing walking on water in his bathtub, slipped and died in his washroom.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
The Hands of a HandymanDateline Pennsylvania, January 23
William Bartron, a 25 year-old handyman,
We’re sure he was depressed
Because losing his hand In this client’s basement.
So yes, William proceeded
Now, this homeowner went downstairs
They called the company owner
The homeowner apparently
but there is a happy ending for William:
![]() ![]() airbags - for security and defensedateline South Africa, April 1999
car-jacking is common in South Africa
because car-jacking is common in South Africa
but one security system used an airbag,
that happened to resident thief Pieter Niewoudt while it was still in his pocket
one bullet hit his knee
there was no report on if the airbag
![]() ![]() Bad Tricks with the Cue StickPeople with access to eitherpool tables or hand guns should listen carefully to this story. In February, a 26-year-old Russian man tried to enter a bar in Tomilino, which is near Moscow, but he was carrying a concealed gun. a security guard at the front of the bar stopped him, and he seems to threaten the guard with his gun. But the guard was quick-moving, ![]() man’s hands. The gun landed on a pool table after the kick, and the guard asked the players to pass the gun back to him. Well, one of the pool players decided to pick up the gun with hi cue stick. What they didn’t realize was that by sliding the cue stick through his trigger-hole, was that the gun then would slide down the cue stick, until the cue stick was thick enough to pull the trigger. He picked up the gun with his cue stick, the gun slid closer to him and fired one shot, shooting a 19-year-old in the chest, immediately killing him After that, the gun owner said he planned to surrender the gun to them, so he could enjoy a drink after all.
![]() ![]() Cigarette Butts are LethalThey say that people who legally own gunsmore often injure themselves accidentally than use their legal guns to intentionally injure others. A good example of this may be reflected in the news story reported February Eleventh, where two drunk people were goofing around, when one drunk challenged the other to shoot them with cigarette butts, and I quote from the article, to see what it would feel like. The other ![]() butts, but he also placed black powder behind the butts, you know, to make sure they had the power to leave the gun barrel. At seven feet, one drunk shot the other with cigarette butts, but the nicotine filters penetrated the rib cage of the thirty-one-year-old. The man who made the challenge later died of three cigarette butts to the heart.
![]() ![]() Running Toward Your DemiseIt was reported on March sevenththat Colorado police pulled over Gerald, because of his erratic driving. Gerald didn’t know he was only being pulled over for erratic driving, and he was sure they would find out that he stole the car he was driving. So when the police pulled him over, Gerald decided to flee from the stolen car - and the police - on foot. As the police chased Gerald, he tried to stop them, while he was running, by pulling out his 9mm semiautomatic handgun, and started blindly firing over his shoulder. We don’t know if he thought he had eyes on the back of his head, but maybe Gerald is someone who can’t walk and chew gum at the same time, because he couldn’t flee and fire at the same time. Gerald didn’t hit any of the police officers. Gerald managed to shoot himself in the head with his own gun. Four shots were fired, although none of them were by the officers. Police later found Gerald’s pistol on the ground next to him. Gerald died in the local hospital the next day, a victim of his own gunfire.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Choose You Fate:By Knife or by CarAn attempted knife robbery was reportedFebruary Twelfth, but it was unsuccessful because the three knife-wielding decided to hold up a slaughterhouse. There were butchers in the slaughterhouse, and they are very used to effectively using sharp blades on large objects. The butchers stabbed two of the three robbers to death. The third man escaped and left by car.
After a car chase, the third, only living,
![]() ![]()
Too Many Gunsa crime spree in February in Washington statewas not thought through, as the would-be robber chose H&J Leather & Firearms as his target for money. Beyond choosing a gun shop as his target, he chose to strike during opening hours, when the shop was full of firearms customers and owners. Lastly, the robber had to step past a marked police car parked at the front door. Once the robber saw the officer, the announced the hold-up and fired a few shots.
Let us remind you again that this hold-up was
So after the would-be robber fired his shots, The robber was killed, but no one else was hurt.
![]() ![]() Terrorism Intelligenceterrorism has been growing for yearsone year before nine eleven Iraqi terrorist Khay Rahnajet mailed a letter bomb but didn’t use enough postage
Khay Rahnajet opened the letter bomb,
![]() ![]()
That’s our news for the evening, but we’d like to close with an editorial from this reporter.![]() What I Would AskViolence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself.![]()
I hear radio talk show hosts
I hear these radio talk show hosts kind people, these Republicans
then I hear that Texas
I then even hear Republicans protest
when I heard about their love of life
so when I hear these radio talk show hosts
but hey, mister President
I mean, the death penalty doesn’t deter,
but I’m sure those talk show hosts
I’ve heard death penalty supporters claim
Jesus said to turn the other cheek
I mean, where is their Christian forgiveness
it makes me think of terrorists
but our Christian President likes playing God
I guess President Bush is now running this casino
Nick DiSpoldo, Small Press Review (on Children, Churches and Daddies,& #148; April 1997)
Kuypers is the widely-published poet of particular perspectives and not a little existential rage, but she does not impose her personal or artistic agenda on her magazine. CC+D is a provocative potpourri of news stories, poetry, humor, art and the dirty underwear& #148; of politics.
Debra Purdy Kong, writer, British Columbia, Canada
I like the magazine a lot. I like the spacious lay-out and the different coloured pages and the variety of writer’s styles. Too many literary magazines read as if everyone graduated from the same course. We need to collect more voices like these and send them everywhere.
![]() Ed Hamilton, writer
#85 (of Children, Churches and Daddies) turned out well. I really enjoyed the humor section, especially the test score answers. And, the cup-holder story is hilarious. I’m not a big fan of poetry - since much of it is so hard to decipher - but I was impressed by the work here, which tends toward the straightforward and unpretentious.
Children, Churches and Daddies.
It speaks for itself.
Write to Scars Publications to submit poetry, prose and artwork to Children, Churches and Daddies literary magazine, or to inquire about having your own chapbook, and maybe a few reviews like these.
![]() Jim Maddocks, GLASGOW, via the Internet I’ll be totally honest, of the material in Issue (either 83 or 86 of Children, Churches and Daddies) the only ones I really took to were Kuypers’. TRYING was so simple but most truths are, aren’t they?
what is veganism?
A vegan (VEE-gun) is someone who does not consume any animal products. While vegetarians avoid flesh foods, vegans don’t consume dairy or egg products, as well as animal products in clothing and other sources.
why veganism?
This cruelty-free lifestyle provides many benefits, to animals, the environment and to ourselves. The meat and dairy industry abuses billions of animals. Animal agriculture takes an enormous toll on the land. Consumtion of animal products has been linked to heart disease, colon and breast cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes and a host of other conditions.
so what is vegan action?
We can succeed in shifting agriculture away from factory farming, saving millions, or even billions of chickens, cows, pigs, sheep turkeys and other animals from cruelty.
We can free up land to restore to wilderness, pollute less water and air, reduce topsoil reosion, and prevent desertification.
We can improve the health and happiness of millions by preventing numerous occurrences od breast and prostate cancer, osteoporosis, and heart attacks, among other major health problems.
A vegan, cruelty-free lifestyle may be the most important step a person can take towards creatin a more just and compassionate society. Contact us for membership information, t-shirt sales or donations.
vegan action
po box 4353, berkeley, ca 94707-0353
![]() C Ra McGuirt, Editor, The Penny Dreadful Review (on Children, Churches and Daddies)
CC&D is obviously a labor of love ... I just have to smile when I go through it. (Janet Kuypers) uses her space and her poets to best effect, and the illos attest to her skill as a graphic artist.
Children, Churches and Daddies no longer distributes free contributor’s copies of issues. In order to receive issues of Children, Churches and Daddies, contact Janet Kuypers at the cc&d e-mail addres. Free electronic subscriptions are available via email. All you need to do is email ccandd@scars.tv... and ask to be added to the free cc+d electronic subscription mailing list. And you can still see issues every month at the Children, Churches and Daddies website, located at http://scars.tv
![]() Mark Blickley, writer The precursor to the magazine title (Children, Churches and Daddies) is very moving. Scars& #148; is also an excellent prose poem. I never really thought about scars as being a form of nostalgia. But in the poem it also represents courage and warmth. I look forward to finishing her book.
MIT Vegetarian Support Group (VSG)
* To show the MIT Food Service that there is a large community of vegetarians at MIT (and other health-conscious people) whom they are alienating with current menus, and to give positive suggestions for change.
* To exchange recipes and names of Boston area veg restaurants
* To provide a resource to people seeking communal vegetarian cooking
* To provide an option for vegetarian freshmen
We also have a discussion group for all issues related to vegetarianism, which currently has about 150 members, many of whom are outside the Boston area. The group is focusing more toward outreach and evolving from what it has been in years past. We welcome new members, as well as the opportunity to inform people about the benefits of vegetarianism, to our health, the environment, animal welfare, and a variety of other issues.
![]() Gary, Editor, The Road Out of Town (on the Children, Churches and Daddies Web Site) I just checked out the site. It looks great.
Dusty Dog Reviews: These poems document a very complicated internal response to the feminine side of social existence. And as the book proceeds the poems become increasingly psychologically complex and, ultimately, fascinating and genuinely rewarding.
![]() John Sweet, writer (on chapbook designs)
Visuals were awesome. They’ve got a nice enigmatic quality to them. Front cover reminds me of the Roman sculptures of angels from way back when. Loved the staggered tire lettering, too. Way cool.
(on Hope Chest in the Attic& #148;)
Dusty Dog Reviews: She opens with a poem of her own devising, which has that wintry atmosphere demonstrated in the movie version of Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago. The atmosphere of wintry white and cold, gloriously murderous cold, stark raging cold, numbing and brutalizing cold, appears almost as a character who announces to his audience, Wisdom occurs only after a laboriously magnificent disappointment.& #148; Alas, that our Dusty Dog for mat cannot do justice to Ms. Kuypers’ very personal layering of her poem across the page.
![]() Cheryl Townsend, Editor, Impetus (on Children, Churches and Daddies) The new CC&D looks absolutely amazing. It’s a wonderful lay-out, looks really professional - all you need is the glossy pages. Truly impressive AND the calendar, too. Can’t wait to actually start reading all the stuff inside.. Wanted to just say, it looks good so far!!!
Fithian Press, Santa Barbara, CA
Indeed, there’s a healthy balance here between wit and dark vision, romance and reality, just as there’s a good balance between words and graphics. The work shows brave self-exploration, and serves as a reminder of mortality and the fragile beauty of friendship.
Mark Blickley, writer
The precursor to the magazine title (Children, Churches and Daddies) is very moving. Scars& #148; is also an excellent prose poem. I never really thought about scars as being a form of nostalgia. But in the poem it also represents courage and warmth. I look forward to finishing her book.
You Have to be Published to be Appreciated.
Do you want to be heard? Contact Children, Churches and Daddies about book or chapbook publishing. These reviews can be yours. Scars Publications, attention J. Kuypers. We’re only an e-mail away. Write to us.
![]() Brian B. Braddock, Writer (on 1996 Children, Churches and Daddies) I passed on a copy to my brother who is the director of the St. Camillus AIDS programs. We found (Children, Churches and Daddies’) obvious dedication along this line admirable.
The Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology
The Solar Energy Research & Education Foundation (SEREF), a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., established on Earth Day 1993 the Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology (CREST) as its central project. CREST’s three principal projects are to provide:
* on-site training and education workshops on the sustainable development interconnections of energy, economics and environment;
* on-line distance learning/training resources on CREST’s SOLSTICE computer, available from 144 countries through email and the Internet;
* on-disc training and educational resources through the use of interactive multimedia applications on CD-ROM computer discs - showcasing current achievements and future opportunities in sustainable energy development.
The CREST staff also does on the road& #148; presentations, demonstrations, and workshops showcasing its activities and available resources.
For More Information Please Contact: Deborah Anderson
dja@crest.org or (202) 289-0061
![]() Brian B. Braddock, Writer (on 1996 Children, Churches and Daddies) I passed on a copy to my brother who is the director of the St. Camillus AIDS programs. We found (Children, Churches and Daddies’) obvious dedication along this line admirable.
Dorrance Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, PA
Hope Chest in the Attic& #148; captures the complexity of human nature and reveals startling yet profound discernments about the travesties that surge through the course of life. This collection of poetry, prose and artwork reflects sensitivity toward feminist issues concerning abuse, sexism and equality. It also probes the emotional torrent that people may experience as a reaction to the delicate topics of death, love and family.
Chain Smoking& #148; depicts the emotional distress that afflicted a friend while he struggled to clarify his sexual ambiguity. Not only does this thought-provoking profile address the plight that homosexuals face in a homophobic society, it also characterizes the essence of friendship. The room of the rape& #148; is a passionate representation of the suffering rape victims experience. Vivid descriptions, rich symbolism, and candid expressions paint a shocking portrait of victory over the gripping fear that consumes the soul after a painful exploitation.
want a review like this? contact scars about getting your own book published.
![]() Paul Weinman, Writer (on 1996 Children, Churches and Daddies) Wonderful new direction (Children, Churches and Daddies has) taken - great articles, etc. (especially those on AIDS). Great stories - all sorts of hot info!
The magazine Children Churches and Daddies is Copyright ©
Scars Publications and Design. The rights of the individual pieces remain with the authors. No material may be reprinted without express permission from the author.
Okay, nilla wafer. Listen up and listen good. How to save your life. Submit, or I’ll have to kill you.
Okay, butt-munch. Tough guy. This is how to win the editors over.
Carlton Press, New York, NY: HOPE CHEST IN THE ATTIC is a collection of well-fashioned, often elegant poems and short prose that deals in many instances, with the most mysterious and awesome of human experiences: love... Janet Kuypers draws from a vast range of experiences and transforms thoughts into lyrical and succinct verse... Recommended as poetic fare that will titillate the palate in its imagery and imaginative creations.
You Have to be Published to be Appreciated.
Dorrance Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, PA: Hope Chest in the Attic& #148; captures the complexity of human nature and reveals startling yet profound discernments about the travesties that surge through the course of life. This collection of poetry, prose and artwork reflects sensitivity toward feminist issues concerning abuse, sexism and equality. It also probes the emotional torrent that people may experience as a reaction to the delicate topics of death, love and family. Chain Smoking& #148; depicts the emotional distress that afflicted a friend while he struggled to clarify his sexual ambiguity. Not only does this thought-provoking profile address the plight that homosexuals face in a homophobic society, it also characterizes the essence of friendship. The room of the rape& #148; is a passionate representation of the suffering rape victims experience. Vivid descriptions, rich symbolism, and candid expressions paint a shocking portrait of victory over the gripping fear that consumes the soul after a painful exploitation.
Dusty Dog Reviews, CA (on knife): These poems document a very complicated internal response to the feminine side of social existence. And as the book proceeds the poems become increasingly psychologically complex and, ultimately, fascinating and genuinely rewarding.
Debra Purdy Kong, writer, British Columbia, Canada (on Children, Churches and Daddies): I like the magazine a lot. I like the spacious lay-out and the different coloured pages and the variety of writer’s styles. Too many literary magazines read as if everyone graduated from the same course. We need to collect more voices like these and send them everywhere.
Publishers/Designers Of
Sponsors Of
Children, Churches and Daddies (founded 1993)
has been written and researched by political groups and writers from the United States, Canada, England, India, Italy, Malta, Norway and Turkey.
Regular features provide coverage of environmental, political and social issues (via news and philosophy) as well as fiction and poetry,
and act as an information and education source. Children, Churches and Daddies is the leading magazine for this combination of information,
education and entertainment.
Okay, it’s this simple: send me published or unpublished poetry, prose or art work (do not send originals), along with a bio, to us - then sit around and wait... Pretty soon you’ll hear from the happy people at cc&d that says (a) Your work sucks, or (b) This is fancy crap, and we’re gonna print it. It’s that simple!
Hope Chest in the Attic is a 200 page, perfect-bound book of 13 years of poetry, prose and art by Janet Kuypers. It’s a really classy thing, if you know what I mean. We also have a few extra sopies of the 1999 book Rinse and Repeat& #148;, the 2001 book Survive and Thrive& #148;, the 2001 books Torture and Triumph& #148; and (no so) Warm and Fuzzy& #148;,
which all have issues of cc&d crammed into one book. And you can have either one of these things at just five bucks a pop if you just contact us and tell us you saw this ad space. It’s an offer you can’t refuse...
Mark Blickley, writer: The precursor to the magazine title (Children, Churches and Daddies) is very moving. Scars& #148; is also an excellent prose poem. I never really thought about scars as being a form of nostalgia. But in the poem it also represents courage and warmth. I look forward to finishing the book.
Do you want to be heard? Contact Children, Churches and Daddies about book and chapbook publishing. These reviews can be yours. Scars Publications, attention J. Kuypers - you can write for yourself or you can write for an audience. It’s your call...
Children, Churches and Daddies. It speaks for itself.
Dusty Dog Reviews (on Without You): She open with a poem of her own devising, which has that wintry atmosphere demonstrated in the movie version of Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago. The atmosphere of wintry white and cold, gloriously murderous cold, stark raging cold, numbing and brutalizing cold, appears almost as a character who announces to his audience, Wisdom occurs only after a laboriously magnificent disappointment.& #148; Alas, that our Dusty Dog for mat cannot do justice to Ms. Kuypers’ very personal layering of her poem across the page.
Children, Churches and Daddies. It speaks for itself.
Fithian Press, Santa Barbara, CA: Indeed, there’s a healthy balance here between wit and dark vision, romance and reality, just as there’s a good balance between words and graphics. The work shows brave self-exploration, and serves as a reminder of mortality and the fragile beauty of friendship.
the unreligious, non-family oriented literary and art magazine
Scars Publications and Design
Children, Churches and Daddies magazine
cc+d Ezines
The Burning mini poem books
God Eyes mini poem books
The Poetry Wall Calendar
The Poetry Box
The Poetry Sampler
Mom’s Favorite Vase Newsletters
Reverberate Music Magazine
Down In The Dirt magazine
Freedom and Strength Press forum
plus assorted chapbooks and books
music, poery compact discs
live performances of songs and readings
past editions:
Poetry Chapbook Contest, Poetry Book Contest
Prose Chapbook Contest, Prose Book Contest
Poetry Calendar Contest
current editions:
Editor’s Choice Award (writing and web sites)
Collection Volumes
Children, Churches and Daddies (ISSN 1068-5154) is published quarterly by Scars Publications and Design. Contact us via e-mail (ccandd96@scars.tv) for subscription rates
or prices for annual collection books.
To contributors:
No racist, sexist or blatantly homophobic material. No originals; if mailed, include SASE & bio.
Work sent on disks or through e-mail preferred. Previously published work accepted. Authors always retain rights to their own work. All magazine rights reserved. Reproduction of
Children, Churches and Daddies without publisher permission is forbidden.
Children, Churches and Daddies copyright
Scars Publications and Design, Children, Churches and Daddies, Janet Kuypers. All rights remain with the authors of the individual
pieces. No material may be reprinted without express permission.