Dusty Dog Reviews The whole project is hip, anti-academic, the poetry of reluctant grown-ups, picking noses in church. An enjoyable romp! Though also serious. |
Nick DiSpoldo, Small Press Review (on Children, Churches and Daddies, April 1997) Children, Churches and Daddies is eclectic, alive and is as contemporary as tomorrows news. |
![]() the boss ladys editorial![]() |
Employment & Independence IssuesYou know, I wasnt going to write an editorial this month, but I saw some notes for potential editorials scotch-taped to my computer monitor. They all relate in some strange way about lookinbg for jobs in America and making it on your own, so I needed to share... A lot of these little snippets are from first-hand stories I have heard, so Im sorry if I dont back everything up with a ton of references. Think of these are grave-vine news about real life stories... Someone who was interviewing people, looked over resumes and said about one, that they couldnt tell what she was by her name. Meaning, they couldnt tell if the person was white, African American, Asian, Indian... And I thought it was stunning that someone was actually concerned about ethnically who this potential employee might be, and I was scared that someone might actually use that information to judge a person before they even had an interview. But when it comes to knowing people by first impressions, I know a story of one woman who applied for a job, was highly qualified for the position, and went to the interview in her burka. Well, Im sure that turned heads a bit since you dont often seeing people in burkas in your everyday life... but after the interview, she wasnt hired. The employers explanation was that other coworkers may fear her by her dress. You know, even if there was no reason to fear her. Doesnt that tell you something about the mentality of the average American, that people would be afraid to learn anything of another culture. I mean, I knew a Muslim girl by birth once, and the only thing I could infer about her was that she seemed only interested in men (she even slept with a male friend of mine while dating another male friend of mine). I knew a converted Muslim who told me that he would pray to Allah for me for my wedding, too, I mean, these people are not terrorists and are nothing to inherently fear (unless one of them might try to take a man away from his woman).
Lets think about high school students worrying about getting jobs as they leave school... I have heard that guidance counselors, while counseling students before college, would see their students use their cell phone to call their parents to help them answer career questions. P.S.: I want to close this with a clip from the New York Post 08/08/07 (that I found in News of the Weird 10/21/07), that shows that even when people have jobs, they might not be able to keep it: Maritza Tamayo, principal of New York Citys Unity Center for Urban Technologies high school, was fired in August following revelations that she was so concerned about the unruly behavior of some students that she brought in a Santeria priestess in December 2006 to cleanse the building of evil spirits. The students were on holiday break, but workers found chicken blood sprinkled around the building, and Tamayo and two other women in white dresses were seen, chanting, with one balancing a silver tray on her head, holding 40 lit candles.
With a Lot of Spit, Blood,
Kenneth DiMaggio |
Pandora Of The Curtain ShopChristopher Barnes, UK
She rose. Bounced
Christopher Barnes Bioin 1998, Christopher Barnes won a Northern Arts writers award. In July 2000, Christopher Barnes read at Waterstones bookshop to promote the anthology Titles Are Bitches. Christmas 2001, Barnes debuted at Newcastles famous Morden Tower doing a reading of his poems. Each year Barnes read for Proudwords lesbain and gay writing festival, and he partakes in workshops. 2005 saw the publication of his collection LOVEBITES published by Chanticleer Press, 6/1 Jamaica Mews, Edinburgh. On Saturday 16th Aughst 2003 Christopher Barnes read at theEdinburgh Festival as a Per Verse poet at LGBT Centre, Broughton St. Christopher Barnes also has a BBC webpage: www.bbc.co.uk/tyne/gay.2004/05/section_28.shtml and http://www.bbc.co.uk/tyne/videonation/stories/gay_history.shtml (if first site does not work click on SECTION 28 on second site. Christmas 2001 The Northern Cultural Skills Partnership sponsored Christopher Barnes to be mentored by Andy Croft in conjunction with New Writing North. Christopher Barnes made a radio programme for Web FM community radio about his writing group. October-November 2005, Barnes entered a poem/visual image into the art exhibition The Art Cafe Project, his piece Post-Mark was shown in Bettys Newcastle. This event was sponsored by Pride On The Tyne. Barnes made a digital film with artists Kate Sweeney and Julie Ballands at a film making workshop called Out Of The Picture which was shown at the festival party for Proudwords. The film is going into an archive at The Discovery Museum in Newcastle and contains his poem The Old Heave-Ho. Christopher Barnes worked on a collaborative art and literature project called How Gay Are Your Genes, facilitated by Lisa Mathews (poet) which exhibited at The Hatton Gallery, Newcastle University before touring the country and it is expected to go abroad, funded by The Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences Research Institute, Bioscience Centre at Newcastles Centre for Life. Christopher Barnes was involved in the Five Arts Cities poetry postcard event which exhibited at The Seven Stories childrens literature building. In May 2006 Barnes had a solo art/poetry exhibition at The Peoples Theatre (a href="http://ptag.org.uk/whats_on/gulbenkian/gulbenkian.htm" target=new>http://ptag.org.uk/whats_on/gulbenkian/gulbenkian.htm). The South Bank Centre in London recorded Christopher Barnes poem The Holiday I Never Had, Barnes can be heard reading it on www.poetrymagazines.org.uk/magazine/record.asp?id=18456. REVIEWS: Christopher Barnes has written poetry reviews for Poetry Scotland and Jacket Magazine and in August 2007 Barnes made a film called A Blank Screen, 60 seconds, 1 shot for Queerbeats Festival at The Star & Shadow Cinema Newcastle, reviewing a poem...see www.myspace.com/queerbeatsfestival.
ProtestorsDavid Lawrence
A failure of imagination like a broken sinus.
Protestors could never imagine a poem
John Lennon wanted a revolution.
I cant bicycle past their jam and toast traffic.
A protest is a gestalt of idiotic faces
Jesus Walks\Michael Lee Johnson
Jesus lives
Michael Lee Johnson Bio Mr. Michael Lee Johnson lives in Itasca, IL after spending 10 years in Edmonton, Alberta Canada during the Viet Nam era. He is a freelance writer and poet. He is heavy influenced by Carl Sandburg, Robert Frost, William Carlos Williams, and Leonard Cohen. 200 plus poems pending publication or published. He is a member of Poets & Writers, Inc; Directory of American Poets & Fictions Writers: pw.org/directory. Recent publications: The Orange Room Review, Bolts of Silk, Chantarelles Notebook, The Foliate Oak Online Literary Magazine, Poetry Cemetery , Official Site of Laura Hird, The Centrifugal Eye, Adagio Verse Quarterly, Scorched Earth Publishing and many others. Published in USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Scotland, Turkey, Fuji, Nigeria Africa, India, and the United Kingdom. You can also find him in the Illinois Center for the Book. Michael Lee Johnsons cc&d chapbook (40 pages, released 06/13/07) The Lost American is available for viewing and for sale (free download, or $5.00 for print copy purchase). The 57 page chapbook The Lost American: A Tender Touch & A Shade Of Blue is also available for sale at lulu.com for $11.98 here: http://www.lulu.com/content/936633 The 90 page paperback The Lost American II: From Exile to Freedom is available for $13.93 for sale. And it is also at IUniverse. The book is also listed at Amazon.com, & Barnes & Noble. Visit his website at: http://poetryman.mysite.com/. He is now the publisher, editor of Poetic Legacy
Someone Should Have Murdered AristotleAdam Joseph Ortiz
too many
(American) Whatever.
The vampire
pretty, packaged costumes, for sale at your local wal-mart.
There is a Light that Never Goes OutEric Phetteplace
I ask her if God exists
I exaggerate out of necessity,
The next morning, language a corpse
Ill take a few years
Happy Birthday to MeCarol Hogan
I love birthday parties.
Leaving ColombiaCristina Valencia
Among fire guns and bombs was born a dream
Made its way through the darkness until daylight
And our minds, clean with calmness would set our eyes
They were after my father... and me. The silence
Utterly in pain for I was next, and crying
Later, my whole baggage broken and torn. That day
Im living my dream, and mothers cries
Cristina Valencia is originally from Colombia, |
HomebodiesPaul Truttman
It was an accepted
A guest, a lover,
Tenuous, illusive
ApprehendingMichaela Sefler
Aspiring I await;
Michaela Sefler is an mystical poet living in Montreal, Canada. Her poetry is spiritual and esoteric and her poems allude to ancient ideals. In her poetry she draws on the Qabbala, and other ancient writings, to convey a message of hope, and survival describing present realities in the light of ancient truths . She has five published compilations of poetry. Still true, A fortress in my heart, The sun is hot, Through the ages, and Seven stars Past publications can also be seen here: http://msefler-inspiration.net
Snowy February NightJulia ODonovan
I remember you and me
A moment shared
Ground war had just broke out
You found a patch of ice and slipped
Walking through the lot
Cast In StoneJanet Kuypers
Ive searched a millenia for you
The Slaughter of the InnocentsI.B. Rad
By the IEDs red glare,
BiographyI.B. Rad is an irreverent civic poet who uses a variety of styles that he thinks are suitable for civic/satirical poetry. His sometimes-controversial work has been published in a number of electronic and hardcopy publications. I.B. and Mrs. Rad live in New York City with an adorable dog, who allows them the run of the house.
The BallNicholas Trutenko
Who the fuck put me in this ball
What did you think I would think
My sudden absence should unnerve you
Can this be in any way connected
That used to work. But now,
Or, like watching a guy on T.V.
If you look inside, youll see what I mean
And all the while,
SingleTroy Schoultz
All Im trying to say
but tonight
What I mean to tell you is
Brief readings
I wanted to put my fist through you, |
Black HoleMaureen Flannery
A black hole bends space
Brief readings
I wanted to put my fist through you, |
LateOut of breathScarfing down waffles Asking for indigestion in between gulps of hash browns and good mornings Ive pulled the earth off its axis and unaligned the planets Now Saturn will have to play catch-up for the next 7 hours. poem by Jaz
maryJimmy Nieto
and all
so you take
in the deep
your dress
made up
the cars that stop
to find grace
when they
the man says
Balasana*Ruan Wright
is a soft
First published in Moon Journal
I am FromJosh Oldham
I am from an unexpecting womb
Sam Soft Isnt
Mark D. Cohen |
The Lesser BreedPat Dixon
Ira Killebaugh scribbled a name and phone number on a page of his pocket notebook, scratched his unshaven chin with the top of his pen, and asked me if I felt up to handling a murder case on my own.
Marie Coleman was a handsome, well-preserved woman of fifty-eight. I know her age because I did the math: during our initial conversation she mentioned that when she and Harvey were married, his first wife, Sarah, who was his age, hated me with an absolute passionpartly for being fifteen years younger than she isbut chiefly for looking twenty-five years younger. From three news stories and two obits Id read at the public library, I knew ol Harve was five months beyond age seventy-three.
Harveys computer was an expensive little laptop with bells and whistles I envied. His home office was in a small back room that some architect probably designed as a childs bedroom. His laptop lay open in plain sight on the top of a blonde hardwood work station, and was connected to both a photo-quality printer and the Internet. On half a dozen built-in shelves nearby were about three hundred DVDs of all sorts of Hollywood blockbuster movies and about four hundred CDs that, according to the labels of the jewel boxes, indicated a broad taste in world music, from Sweden and the Scottish highlands to the Andes Mountains and from Australias Outback to Mongolia and Morocco. I opened a blonde-finish cabinet and found about three dozen large coffee-table-size books there, chiefly of pinup artists of the 30s, 40s, and 50s, like Petty and Vargas, but a few about the oeuvre of pinup models like Bettie Page. I smiled to myself.
Ira was very impressed and pleased with my story of the two bunches of passwords and user-namesand with my intelligence to put the laptop, the Samuelson book, and the mouse-pad into a large paper sack before carrying them out to my car.
Around 9:00 a.m. the next day, I phoned Marie Coleman and told her I wished to come by her house again in the early afternoon. We agreed that 1:30 would be a good time for me to show up. Then I drove from my office in Cary to a discount electronics store along Highway 40, between Chapel Hill and Raleigh, and bought the cheapest laptop I could find to serve as bait. With the assistance of one of the young clerks, I created a couple of small documents and put them in plain sight on its desktop.
For different reasons, I didnt tell either Ira or Marie most of what Id learned by poking around on Harveys hard drive and following trails onto the Internet. Whoever wrote the Book of Ecclesiastes was at least partly right: He that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. But sometimes dirty jobs have to be done to catch killers and other malefactors, and I suspect that, with my knowledge of computers, incomplete though it be, and my intuition, flawed though it also sometimes be, I was the best person for this dirty job. I doubt that Ira, for all his experience, could have gotten anywhere alone with this one. I may be wrong.
My dear Camilla Toe,
When I showed Ira a copy of this note and three similar e-mails of Harveys, he smiled each time at the girls fake name but wouldnt tell me why. He did admit that Harvey had the makings of a human being in him and said, If theres a heaven and a just system for getting there, Harvey has a good chance of making it.
Ive seen just one similar looking mark & that was on my neighbors son, maybe a couple years ago while he was washing his car in the driveway on a summer afternoon. I HOPE this is NOT the same young man! I see that this ‘partner also has a panther tattoo on his lower back. Im half tempted to ask my neighbor if his son has such a tattoo now. Young lady, if you have any parents alive, WHAT in Gods name have they done to YOU? HOW have they failed YOU? The next morning, while retrieving his Sunday newspaper, Harvey was run down by a pair of stolen cars. Was there any way to explain the trout in the cottage cheese beyond a reasonable doubt?
After leaving the high school, I drove directly to Marie Colemans house. Carrying the Samuelson book, the mouse pad, and the cheap laptop under my left arm, I walked up to her front door and pushed the button. When no one came to the door, I pushed it two dozen more times, hearing the bing-bong of the chimes through the heavy door each time. Standing on tiptoe, I gazed into one of the living room windows and then walked to the garage and peer through its side window. It was empty. Shrugging, I walked next door and rang the bell of the Whiteheads house. Heather came to the door almost at once, and I asked her if she would please see that Marie got the book, mouse-pad, and laptoponto which Id taped a subtle note reading Harvey Colemans computer. Heather nervously promised that she would do so and set these items on the floor just inside her front door.
Ira says that I showed a serious lack of uncommon good sense that night, and I admit to that deficiency. And yet, with him still down at Rex Rehab Center, I dont know who I could have deputized to help me out that night. Certainly Marie Coleman would not have been a proper choiceshe who spent all that afternoon and half the night in a cozy hotel room north of the Raleigh beltline, as per my instructions. I could not very well have asked the Cary police or Chapel Hill police for backup, could I? Or the N.C. State Troopers? So I sat at my office computer, waiting for an e-mail reply that never came.
Of course the Cary police made me set Betsy down on the street again, and one of them took her into custody, while others took charge of the rest of us. It was a wild night, with four fire trucks, two ambulances, hours of intense discussion, and lots of local and long-distance telephoning. Ira was awakened and consulted at his Rehab Center, Marie was awakened and chauffeured to Cary from her Raleigh hotel room, and the Reverend Lawrence Whitehead and his wifeand the parents of Little Larrys and Cindys two deceased male cousinswere awakened by the North Carolina State Highway Patrol and, as a courtesy I believe, brought to Cary as well. It all took just over ten hours before I was releasedwith the grateful thanks of a very sleepy County Attorney.
Ira has recovered very well, although he now spends more time with armchair detecting of various sorts, including detecting additional evidences of genius in the works of his beloved Rudyard Kipling. He has assured me that my father and Dr. King and Harvey Coleman and millions of other men were and/or are basically good folks who from time to time have problems dealing with the strong natural appetites that their bodies have. He adds that many women have the same sorts of problems, and I can agree with that, although I dont buy into most of Iras highly detailed theorizing about us.
Unforeseen CircumstancesMarc Tamargo
Bang! The sound echoed loudly throughout the large house. As far as Maria was concerned the sound could have originated from a gun shot aimed at her head, for the results were similar. The sound indicated the crushing of all her hopes and dreams and that her misery would never end. The colour had drained completely from her face, her breathing stopped, and her heart pounded vigorously as she stared at the thrown box that had made the horrible sound. Spilling out of the now broken box was all the money she had been planning to use to make her escape from the endless abuse at the hands of the man who had thrown the box; her husband Danny.
Debra Purdy Kong, writer, British Columbia, Canada I like the magazine a lot. I like the spacious lay-out and the different coloured pages and the variety of writers styles. Too many literary magazines read as if everyone graduated from the same course. We need to collect more voices like these and send them everywhere.
Children, Churches and Daddies. It speaks for itself. Write to Scars Publications to submit poetry, prose and artwork to Children, Churches and Daddies literary magazine, or to inquire about having your own chapbook, and maybe a few reviews like these.
what is veganism? A vegan (VEE-gun) is someone who does not consume any animal products. While vegetarians avoid flesh foods, vegans dont consume dairy or egg products, as well as animal products in clothing and other sources. why veganism? This cruelty-free lifestyle provides many benefits, to animals, the environment and to ourselves. The meat and dairy industry abuses billions of animals. Animal agriculture takes an enormous toll on the land. Consumtion of animal products has been linked to heart disease, colon and breast cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes and a host of other conditions. so what is vegan action?
We can succeed in shifting agriculture away from factory farming, saving millions, or even billions of chickens, cows, pigs, sheep turkeys and other animals from cruelty. A vegan, cruelty-free lifestyle may be the most important step a person can take towards creatin a more just and compassionate society. Contact us for membership information, t-shirt sales or donations.
vegan action
Children, Churches and Daddies no longer distributes free contributors copies of issues. In order to receive issues of Children, Churches and Daddies, contact Janet Kuypers at the cc&d e-mail addres. Free electronic subscriptions are available via email. All you need to do is email ccandd@scars.tv... and ask to be added to the free cc+d electronic subscription mailing list. And you can still see issues every month at the Children, Churches and Daddies website, located at http://scars.tv
MIT Vegetarian Support Group (VSG)
functions: We also have a discussion group for all issues related to vegetarianism, which currently has about 150 members, many of whom are outside the Boston area. The group is focusing more toward outreach and evolving from what it has been in years past. We welcome new members, as well as the opportunity to inform people about the benefits of vegetarianism, to our health, the environment, animal welfare, and a variety of other issues.
Dusty Dog Reviews: These poems document a very complicated internal response to the feminine side of social existence. And as the book proceeds the poems become increasingly psychologically complex and, ultimately, fascinating and genuinely rewarding.
Dusty Dog Reviews: She opens with a poem of her own devising, which has that wintry atmosphere demonstrated in the movie version of Boris Pasternaks Doctor Zhivago. The atmosphere of wintry white and cold, gloriously murderous cold, stark raging cold, numbing and brutalizing cold, appears almost as a character who announces to his audience, Wisdom occurs only after a laboriously magnificent disappointment. Alas, that our Dusty Dog for mat cannot do justice to Ms. Kuypers very personal layering of her poem across the page.
Fithian Press, Santa Barbara, CA Indeed, theres a healthy balance here between wit and dark vision, romance and reality, just as theres a good balance between words and graphics. The work shows brave self-exploration, and serves as a reminder of mortality and the fragile beauty of friendship.
Mark Blickley, writer You Have to be Published to be Appreciated. Do you want to be heard? Contact Children, Churches and Daddies about book or chapbook publishing. These reviews can be yours. Scars Publications, attention J. Kuypers. Were only an e-mail away. Write to us.
The Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology The Solar Energy Research & Education Foundation (SEREF), a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., established on Earth Day 1993 the Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology (CREST) as its central project. CRESTs three principal projects are to provide: * on-site training and education workshops on the sustainable development interconnections of energy, economics and environment; * on-line distance learning/training resources on CRESTs SOLSTICE computer, available from 144 countries through email and the Internet; * on-disc training and educational resources through the use of interactive multimedia applications on CD-ROM computer discs - showcasing current achievements and future opportunities in sustainable energy development. The CREST staff also does on the road presentations, demonstrations, and workshops showcasing its activities and available resources. For More Information Please Contact: Deborah Anderson dja@crest.org or (202) 289-0061
Dorrance Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, PA want a review like this? contact scars about getting your own book published.
The magazine Children Churches and Daddies is Copyright © 1993 through 2008 Scars Publications and Design. The rights of the individual pieces remain with the authors. No material may be reprinted without express permission from the author.
Okay, nilla wafer. Listen up and listen good. How to save your life. Submit, or Ill have to kill you.
Okay, butt-munch. Tough guy. This is how to win the editors over. Carlton Press, New York, NY: HOPE CHEST IN THE ATTIC is a collection of well-fashioned, often elegant poems and short prose that deals in many instances, with the most mysterious and awesome of human experiences: love... Janet Kuypers draws from a vast range of experiences and transforms thoughts into lyrical and succinct verse... Recommended as poetic fare that will titillate the palate in its imagery and imaginative creations. Mark Blickley, writer: The precursor to the magazine title (Children, Churches and Daddies) is very moving. Scars is also an excellent prose poem. I never really thought about scars as being a form of nostalgia. But in the poem it also represents courage and warmth. I look forward to finishing the book.
You Have to be Published to be Appreciated.
![]() Dorrance Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, PA: Hope Chest in the Attic captures the complexity of human nature and reveals startling yet profound discernments about the travesties that surge through the course of life. This collection of poetry, prose and artwork reflects sensitivity toward feminist issues concerning abuse, sexism and equality. It also probes the emotional torrent that people may experience as a reaction to the delicate topics of death, love and family. Chain Smoking depicts the emotional distress that afflicted a friend while he struggled to clarify his sexual ambiguity. Not only does this thought-provoking profile address the plight that homosexuals face in a homophobic society, it also characterizes the essence of friendship. The room of the rape is a passionate representation of the suffering rape victims experience. Vivid descriptions, rich symbolism, and candid expressions paint a shocking portrait of victory over the gripping fear that consumes the soul after a painful exploitation.
Dusty Dog Reviews (on Without You): She open with a poem of her own devising, which has that wintry atmosphere demonstrated in the movie version of Boris Pasternaks Doctor Zhivago. The atmosphere of wintry white and cold, gloriously murderous cold, stark raging cold, numbing and brutalizing cold, appears almost as a character who announces to his audience, Wisdom occurs only after a laboriously magnificent disappointment. Alas, that our Dusty Dog for mat cannot do justice to Ms. Kuypers very personal layering of her poem across the page. Debra Purdy Kong, writer, British Columbia, Canada (on Children, Churches and Daddies): I like the magazine a lot. I like the spacious lay-out and the different coloured pages and the variety of writers styles. Too many literary magazines read as if everyone graduated from the same course. We need to collect more voices like these and send them everywhere.
Fithian Press, Santa Barbara, CA: Indeed, theres a healthy balance here between wit and dark vision, romance and reality, just as theres a good balance between words and graphics. The work shows brave self-exploration, and serves as a reminder of mortality and the fragile beauty of friendship.