writing from
Scars Publications

Audio/Video chapbooks cc&d magazine Down in the Dirt magazine books


This writing was accepted for publication
in the 84 page perfect-bound issue of
cc&d (v241) (the February 2013 Issue)

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issue as an ISSN# paperback book:
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Guilt by Association
cc&d 2013
collection book
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Jan. - June 2013
cc&d magazine
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6" x 9" ISBN#
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(An Alternate Source of Logic)


Let’s drop this notion that
“We’re running out of energy”
bend your elbow
tap your foot
Okay, wait five seconds        do it again
You can do that all day unless you’re
Sick or sleeping,
Okay, yeah, if you eat and drink and shit, right
So, mortality notwithstanding,
You can’t possibly Run Out Of Energy,
Can You?
Uhuh, well, OKAY!!
Then Say “irreplaceable energy resources”
Which, that’s bullshit, too
We could make engines that run on gravy or sapphires
Built out of cheese and an old shoe
If we wanted to...
Uhuh, yeah, piss, piss,
it’s impossible, sure
A thousand years ago, they could’ve built rockets
They just Didn’t        Know    How!
You really like limiting potential, don’t you?
You really hate mankind, don’t you?
Huh? Oh, no, I’m all for hating mankind
But you should do it for the right reasons

Scars Publications

Copyright of written pieces remain with the author, who has allowed it to be shown through Scars Publications and Design.Web site © Scars Publications and Design. All rights reserved. No material may be reprinted without express permission from the author.

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