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Scars Publications

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The Bookshelf

Asmi Bhardwaj

    Asmi’s bookshelf was really big. Yet, all her books would not fit. Some would perch on top rows and rows of books. Her mother tried to clear out the clutter but Asmi would always resist.
    The books, however, had stories of their own, with stories inside them.
    For instance, “Mallory Towers” was tearing apart. So to make sure she wouldn’t tear apart, she squeezed herself between the books.
    Two “Dogmans” were fighting. “Unleashed” claimed that his plot was interesting, so he was the favourite amongst the readers, but “Bark of the Wild” said he was the last in the series, therefore, he was the favourite. They kept squabbling every day, annoying the other books.
    The books on the lowest shelf were the books Asmi had stopped reading. They were moaning everyday about how they were of no use or value anymore.
    Everyone was tired of each other. So, the head of books, the Encyclopaedia said that they should split up. ‘You mean, run away from the bookshelf?’ asked “Spaced Out”.
    ‘Yes,’ said the Encyclopaedia, knowledgably. ‘It is the only way.’
    ‘Alright,’ said “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”. ‘We’ll move tomorrow.’
    So, the books scattered everywhere around the house, hidden in places they couldn’t be found.
    Now, Asmi couldn’t find her books. She became bored. She started a new hobby - watching T.V.
    With her books hiding here and there, she had nothing to do in her free time.
    After a few days, the books became bored too. They came out of hiding and Asmi’s mother found them.
    ‘Look, Asmi! I found your books!’ she called. Asmi popped her head around the corner.
    ‘No, I don’t need them,’ she replied.
    ‘So, you want me to give them away?’
    ‘Yeah, yeah, sure,’ Asmi said.
    Her mother was sad. She sighed and got up.
    The books heard whatever happened. They did not want to be just thrown away! So, they came up with a plan.
    “Space Case” was Asmi’s favourite book. So, he sat on the window seat, trying to look nice. Beside him was a juice box and a cheese sandwich. Asmi looked at the window seat. She picked up the snacks, but one glance at the book, and she started thinking. ‘Should I read the book, too?’
    And she did.
    Soon, she started loving her books again; and the books were happy about that.

Scars Publications

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