writing from
Scars Publications

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Writings to
Honour & Cherish

available for only: $1591
Writings To Honour & Cherish

Mel Waldman

Every day we rape each other with silent penetration, destroying
sacred landscapes of the soul, digging deep into private areas of
trust and hope, every day we rape;

Every day we rape each other with unconscious intention,
excavating secret soil, exposing our hidden gardens and ancient
temples, crushing beauty, creating darkness/evil with force,
ignorance is no excuse, every day we rape;

Every day we rape each other with innocent intrusions, ejaculating
covert words of hatred and prejudice, hidden inside paradoxical
lines of love and peace, every day we rape;

Every day we rape each other with volcanic eruptions, evoking
terror and despair, with overt explosions of rage and hatred, and
two armies of soldiers at war-the first one shrieking words of
violence-rushing across a labyrinth of tortuous, twisted language,
torturing everyone in the line of fire with a fusillade of name calling
and soul-murder, especially those we love,

and the second army, unfulfilled by killer-words, rushing forth with
earthly weapons that maim and mutilate and maliciously kill,
every day we rape;

Every day we rape each other with passionate revelations, madness and
chaos, and hidden commandments of conformity and coercion, until we
are fully brainwashed, oblivious of who we truly were, and after an
invisible metamorphosis, we believe that violence is love, every day we
rape, every day we die, resurrected tomorrow in Hell, where we look in
the mirror and remember that we too were raped long ago, left to roam

through a soulless wilderness, reliving yesterday’s hell again and again,
always searching for the exit and a transient moment of peace,
every day we were raped.

Scars Publications

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