writing from
Scars Publications

Audio/Video chapbooks cc&d magazine Down in the Dirt magazine books


enjoy this writing from A.J. Huffman
in the free 6" x 6" 2014 PDF file chapbook:

I Am Psychedelic
(click on the front cover image or the
title text to download the free PDF file)
I Am Psychadelic, a A.J. Huffman chapbookbook
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in the book
What Must be Done
(a Down in the Dirt
July - Dec. 2014
collection book)
What Must be Done (Down in the Dirt issue collection book) get the 372 page
July - Dec. 2014
Down in the Dirt magazine
issue collection
6" x 9" ISBN#
paperback book:

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untitled (kiss)

A.J. Huffman

. . . kiss cotton candy pallid i was supposed to be
pink but quickly grew out of that shade
of innocence i swallow blindly forget to taste
bitterness and cohesion comprehension makes me
choke i spit bullets made of words i can see
the silver of their impact drip i am too deadly
i should not be allowed to breathe

Scars Publications

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