See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem Observing Theories of the Universe live 11/19/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Canon)
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing her poem Observing Theories of the Universe live 11/19/14 at Chicago’s open mic the Café Gallery (Sony, Edge Detection filter)
See YouTube video (Cps) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Observing Theories of the Universe from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago
See YouTube video (Cfs200) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem Observing Theories of the Universe from cc&d v254, “Idea”, live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems from cc&d v254, “Idea” (Including the first verse of Brian Looney’s “the Instance of Being”, Donald Gaither’s “Arthritic”, Kelley Jean White MD’s “Dutiful Daughter”, Janet Kuypers’s two haiku poem “JY asks”, and her poems “Observing Theories of the Universe” and “jabbed into an open nerve”) live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Cps)
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading poems from cc&d v254, “Idea” (Including the first verse of Brian Looney’s “the Instance of Being”, Donald Gaither’s “Arthritic”, Kelley Jean White MD’s “Dutiful Daughter”, Janet Kuypers’s two haiku poem “JY asks”, and her poems “Observing Theories of the Universe” and “jabbed into an open nerve”) live 4/29/15 at the open mic the Café Gallery in Chicago (Cfs200)
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ Book Release Reading 4/5/17 of cc&d book poetry in Austin’s National Poetry Month Community Poetry at Half Price Books, including “Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph” from the Statue, “I’m Really Going This Time” from Give What You Can, “Human Construct of Time” from Sea Drift, “White Knuckled” from Forever Bound, “Entire Town’s Baseball Team” from Suggested Torture, “Jabbed in an Open Nerve” from Idea, “Observing Theories of the Universe” from Idea, and “Entering the Lake of Fire” from Nighttime City (this video was filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera; posted on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr). #janetkuypers #janetkuyperspoetry #janetkuypersbookreading
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers’ Book Release Reading 4/5/17 of cc&d book poetry in Austin’s National Poetry Month Community Poetry at Half Price Books, including “Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph” from the Statue, “I’m Really Going This Time” from Give What You Can, “Human Construct of Time” from Sea Drift, “White Knuckled” from Forever Bound, “Entire Town’s Baseball Team” from Suggested Torture, “Jabbed in an Open Nerve” from Idea, “Observing Theories of the Universe” from Idea, and “Entering the Lake of Fire” from Nighttime City (this video filmed from a Canon Power Shot SX700 camera and given a Posterize filter).