Van can See the Blood
(dreams 9/28/19)
Janet Kuypers
They all thought I was a hotshot.
On the outside, it seemed that I always got everything,
and everything worked out perfectly for me.
We were all out, in a few cars,
and we were all looking for a place to park, and there was
still snow and slush on the streets everywhere.
The only thing I remember
was managing to park my car in a spot against the snow
when other strangers were trying to park there.
My friends, who apparently parked farther
away, were amazed, all praising that I got such a great spot.
I didn't say a word and walked to a stranger’s van.
My friends just sort of followed me
as I walked to the van’s huge plate glass window across it...
I threw my hand against it, and it shattered.
All my friends were shocked at what I did,
and they all slowly walked to the van to see blood in circles
everywhere defining everyone in there who died.
They all looked at me and asked,
“What happened? Have they been shot?”, all knowing I never
got out of my car —
And I said, ‘I have no idea,’ because all I knew
was that sometimes good things happen in my life for me,
but it can come at a terrible cost.