See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Instagram poem “You Do What You’re Told” (then shows her twitter and Instagram image from the poem), then her 2019 poem “Vibrations Echo” that will be in her upcoming (August 2919) poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry”, and “On This Day” (written on her birthday) 6/29/19 while she hosted “Poetry Aloud” (from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her Instagram poem “You Do What You’re Told” (then shows her twitter and Instagram image from the poem), then her 2019 poem “Vibrations Echo” that will be in her upcoming (August 2919) poetry book “(pheromones) haiku, twitterverse, Instagram & poetry”, and “On This Day” (written on her birthday) 6/29/19 while she hosted “Poetry Aloud” (from a Panasonic Lumix T56 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Violation”, “Exterior”, “Eminence”, “Earth”, “Lost”, “Jumped”, “Uphill”, “Essence”, “Upside-Down”, “Enjoy”, “Ghosts”, “You Do What You’re Told”, “Control”, “Enemy”, “Quarrel”, “Xeric”, “Oceans”, “Escape (2017 haiku)”, and “Aflame”, all read from her poetry collection book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” 8/13/19 outside Grant Park with the Millennium Bean in the background in Chicago (this video was filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers reading her poems “Violation”, “Exterior”, “Eminence”, “Earth”, “Lost”, “Jumped”, “Uphill”, “Essence”, “Upside-Down”, “Enjoy”, “Ghosts”, “You Do What You’re Told”, “Control”, “Enemy”, “Quarrel”, “Xeric”, “Oceans”, “Escape (2017 haiku)”, and “Aflame”, all read from her poetry collection book “(pheromones) haiku, Instagram, Twitter, and poetry” 8/13/19 outside Grant Park with the Millennium Bean in the background in Chicago (video filmed from a Panasonic Lumix 2500 camera; Sepia Tone filter).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/4/19 reading her poetry from the Down in the Dirt v167 Nov./Dec. 2019 issue/book “Why Peace Will Forever Elude Us”,including her poems “Prescribe them Something, Anything”, “Genesis Twenty-Eight”, “You Do What You’re Told”, and “Imagination”, then her “Death Comes in Threes” poems “(from) Sometimes It’s Not”, “As I Recovered”, “Will Be Just Fine”, and “Get It Over With”, all read live (interspersed with Thom poetry) during her December 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books in Austin (Panasonic Lumix T56; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).
See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers 12/4/19 reading her poetry from the Down in the Dirt v167 Nov./Dec. 2019 issue/book “Why Peace Will Forever Elude Us”,including her poems “Prescribe them Something, Anything”, “Genesis Twenty-Eight”, “You Do What You’re Told”, and “Imagination”, then her “Death Comes in Threes” poems “(from) Sometimes It’s Not”, “As I Recovered”, “Will Be Just Fine”, and “Get It Over With”, all read live (interspersed with Thom poetry) during her December 2018 Book Release Reading through Community Poetry! at Half Price Books in Austin (Panasonic Lumix 2500; on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Tumblr).