Everything Was
Alive And Dying
(Oz Hardwick edit)
Janet Kuypers
(on U.K. 5 Towns Radio 1/26/20)
I had a dream the other night
Then I walked a little farther
And I walked deeper in to the forest
managed to get away from the
picnic tables and outhouses
that lined the forest edges
the roaring cars gave way to the
rustling of tree branches
the crackling of fallen leaves
under my step
when the wind tunneled through
the wind whistled and sang
as it flew past the bark
and leaves
I walked
listened to the crack of dead branches
under my feet
and I felt a branch against my shoulder
I looked up and I could hear
the trees speak to me,
and they said
thank you for letting the
endangered animals live here amongst us
we do think they’re so pretty
and it would be a shame to see them go
and thank you for recycling paper
because you’re saving us
for just a little while longer
we’ve been on this planet for so long
embedded in the earth
we do have souls, you know
you can hear it in our songs
we cling with our roots
we don’t want to let go
and I said, but I don’t do much,
I don’t do enough
and they said we know
but we’ll take what we can get
and I woke up in a sweat
so tell me, David Cameron
so tell me, Nick Clegg
so tell me, George Osborne
so tell me, Caroline Spelman
if you woke up from that dream
would you be in a sweat, too?
Serves us right...
You know my motives aren’t selfless
I know that these things are worthwhile in my life
everything is linked here
we destroy our animals
so we can be wasteful and violent
we destroy our plants
we destroy our earth
we’re even destroying our air
we wreak havoc on the soil, on the atmosphere
we dump our wastes into the lakes
we pump aerosol cans and exhaust pipes
and you tell me I’m extreme
and these animals and forests keep calling out to me
the oceans, the wind
and I’m beginning to think
that we just keep doing it
because we don’t know how to stop
and deep inside we feel the pain of
all that we’ve killed
and we try to control it by
popping a chemical-filled pain-killer
we live through the guilt
by taking caffeine, nicotine, morphine
and we keep ourselves thin with saccharin
and we keep ourselves sane with our alcohol poisoning
and when that’s not enough
maybe a line of coke
maybe shoot ourselves in the head
in front of the mirror in the master bedroom
or maybe just take some pills
walk into the garage, turn on the car
and just
fall asleep
in the wild
you have no power over anyone else
now that we’re civilized
we create our own wild
maybe when we have all this power
the only choice we have
is to destroy ourselves
and so we do