Following are individual studio clips and writings from this performance.

Adjusting Your Beliefs
live 07/17/07 (2:44) |
(live, low quality) |
(live, low quality) |
(live, low quality) |

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to see the above video
on Poetry Visualized

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studio release (2:40)
original music from Lem Roby, performing
music behind Kuypers live reading of
The Writing of my Life
4/26/05, live at the Cafe in Chicago |
The original writing
(written in 2007) |
chapbook link: or print download:
Projected artwork during this show included:
Castles in Rome
Chicago skyline (w/ buildings added)
the Colloseum, Rome
Mermaid Statuein Copenhagen, Denmark
the White Cliffs of Dover, England
the Eiffel Tower, Paris, France
el Yunque Tropical Rain Forest, Puerto Rico

and Communication
live 07/17/07 (3:33) |
(live, low quality) |
(live, low quality) |
(live, low quality) |

Watch this YouTube video
See the above YouTube video on clipzo.net

← Click the TV image
to see the above video
on Poetry Visualized

Watch this YouTube video
studio release (3:26)
original music from Mark Clayton Graham
for Kuypers poem Tribal Scream (5:28) |
The original writing
of parts of Communication 05
(written in 1998)
The original writing
(of the full piece, written in 2007) |
chapbook link: or print download:
Projected artwork during this show included:
the Great Wall of China
Hollywood, CA
Senate Square Cathedral, Helsinki Finland
Hot Springs, WY
highrises in Shanghai, China
Las Vegas, NV
The Louvre, Paris France
Michael Stipe of R.E.M. in Urbana, IL
Montreal, Canada

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- Quicktime Player
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- Crescendo
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