no get-together on New Year’s Day

(1/7/15) January 7: Patrick Hurley, and the open mic (both links to one long video)
...See the facebook event listing for this open mic night.
(1/21/15) January 21: Jeff Helgeson
With host Bob Rashkow and guest host Dave Gecic (no video this evening)
...See the facebook event listing for this open mic night.

(2/4/15) February 4: DOUBLE FEATURE NIGHT! After the open mic,
Joffre Stewart and Dan Weinberg
...See the facebook event listing for this open mic night.
(2/18/15) February 18: Jackie Wolk, and the open mic
...See the facebook event listing for this open mic night.

(3/4/15) March 4: Jenene Ravesloot, and the open mic
...See the facebook event listing for this open mic night.

(3/18/15) March 18: Tom Roby, and the open mic (with the Tom Roby feature)
...See the facebook event listing for this open mic night.

(4/1/15) April 1: Sid Yiddish and the open mic
...See the facebook event listing for this open mic night.

(4/15/15) April 15: Susan Moss, and the open mic (AND the Susan Moss feature)
...See the facebook event listing for this open mic night.

(4/29/15) April 29: Paul Ryan, and the open mic
(This night runs from 9-11PM instead of the usual 7-9PM)
...See the facebook event listing for this open mic night.

(5/13/15) May 13: DOUBLE FEATURE NIGHT! After the open mic,
the U.K. poet Oz Hardwick, and the final
Chicago poetry reading from Wes Heine (Cousin Bones)
...See the facebook event listing for this open mic night.

(5/27/15) May 27: DOUBLE FEATURE NIGHT! After the open mic,
Roberta Miles and G.P.A. (the poetic unsub)
(We also have BOTH features in one video in this 9-11PM special time)
...See the facebook event listing for this open mic night.

(6/10/15) June 10: Jason Noah, and the open mic
(This night runs from 9-11PM instead of the usual 7-9PM)
...See the facebook event listing for this open mic night.

(6/24/15) June 24: TRIPLE FEATURE NIGHT!
Lucia Blinn and Deborah Rosen features,
video of the the 2 female features AND the open mic,
and then the Don Hargraves feature!
(This night runs from 9-11PM instead of the usual 7-9PM)
...See the facebook event listing for this open mic night.

(7/8/15) July 8: DOUBLE FEATURE NIGHT! After the open mic,
Kottyn Campbell and Dalice Malice
...See the facebook event listing for this open mic night.

(7/22/15) July 22: Ross Berman, and the open mic
 (after the Ross Berman feature and before the Singer Songwriter event,
 Janet and John’s LAST Chicago music show
...See the facebook event listing for this open mic night.

(8/5/15) August 5: DOUBLE FEATURE NIGHT! After the open mic,
Jerry Pendergast and Dina Stuart
also see a video of both features!
...See the facebook event listing for this open mic night.

this open mic no longer has YouTube video clips
(after Janet Kuypers’ last hosting night of this open mic)
This web page is also no longer updated for features
(dates listed beyond this date were previously scheduled)

(8/19/15) August 19: DOUBLE FEATURE NIGHT! After the open mic,
Eric Esden and Dave Gecic
the night Dave Gecic takes over as host!

September 2 2015 IS a confirmed date...
(9/2/15) September 2: DOUBLE FEATURE NIGHT! After the open mic
Bob Rashkow and Janet Kuypers (before her final move)

This web page is also no longer updated for features
(dates listed beyond this date were previously scheduled).
Contact current host Dave Gecic for schedules & feature info.
(9/16/15) September 16: Lynn West and Charles, and the open mic

(9/30/15) September 30: Elizabeth Harper, and the open mic
(This night may run from 9-11PM instead of the usual 7-9PM)

(10/14/15) October 14: Bob Lawrence, and the open mic

(10/28/15) October 28: Vittorio (Vito) Carli, and the open mic
(This night may run from 9-11PM instead of the usual 7-9PM)

(11/11/15) November 11: Esteban Colon, and the open mic

(11/25/15) November 25: No scheduled features, and the open mic
(This night may run from 9-11PM instead of the usual 7-9PM)

(12/9/15) December 9: Michael Hoag, and the open mic

(12/23/15) December 23: No scheduled features, and the open mic

no get-together the remainder of 2015... And Merry Christmas!