on to the individual poems...

Saturday, November 17st 2012 (11/17/12), starting at 5:00 PM at Blue Bettie Poetry Reading
Located at Blue Bettie’s Boutique, 1626 W. 21st street (Chicago, 60608), the Blue Bettie Poetry Reading (hosted by Vittorio “Vito” Carli) hosted an open mic and mini features by Janet Kuypers, Laura Arellano, Don Byron, Dave Gecic, G.P.A., Susan Hernandez, and Ivan Ramos... Kuypers read shorter Periodic Table of Poetry poems in her mini feture “Count Me In”, with poems that are related to some of the elements in the Periodic Table at this event.
In perparation for this feature (and her solo feature at the Café Gallery the next Wednesday, 11/21/12), she also recently read poems previously performed at past features (since that is the only place she plans to “introduce” any poem from the Periodic Table of Poetry via public reaings) at the Café Gallery on 11/7/12 (with “Carbon”, “Oxygen” and “Lithium”), and at at “Poetry Love Letters” 11/9/12 (with “Hydrogen” and “Tungsten”).
These shorter “Periodic Table of Poetry” poems were accompanied with a melody from the 2011 “Hotel Muic” series from the HA!Man of South Africa (Francois Le Roux), and this set included a poem that was originally intended for her (cut short) Evanston IL Perla Café feature 8/25/12 (Krypton), as well as a poem from her original set in her “Periodic Poetry” show 11/21/12 at the Café Gallery (Copper).
