Scars Publications “Editor’s Choice” Contests
All contest winners appear as a contest winner there are multiple contest winners, so you can submit a few pieces and have a few contest winning entries! In the past, Scars and CC&D have sponsored contests and calendar entries...
in books, including: we are looking for entries and we want to make people winners... |
![]() Submissions to enter the contest are only $15.00 American per poem, and $19.00 American per short story. All winners are printed in our next book, and get a free copy of the book mailed to them when the book is printed. There is a good chance your writing can win and get into this book, so for more information on how to send submissions (getting an address for mailing an entry check and how to submit your writing), please e-mail us and we can tell you everything you need to know!!!
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Come here
For submitting writing for the Editor’s Choice Writing Contest: we perfer all submissions to be emailed to us. If any of your submission has bolds or italics, or has any special characters (like “smart quotes” or “curly quotes” - which applies to both double-quotes and apostrophes, any long dashes, ellipses, anything that does not appear plainly on a keyboard), then the best way to email submissions for the Editor’s Choice Writing Contest from Scars Publications would be to email attachments of either Microsoft Word “.doc” or “.docx” files or as “.rtf” files. If there are no special characters (or bolds or italics or indentations) they could even be emailed in the body of an email letter to us.
Copyright Scars Publications and Design. All rights reserved. The rights of individual written and artistic pieces remain with their authors. No material may be reprinted without express permission.