Thank you,
women who work II
Thank you, women who work
In this way you make
an indispensable contribution
to the growth of a culture
which unites reason and feeling,
to a model of life ever open
to the sense of “mystery”
Letter to Women, Message of His Holiness
Thank you, women who work
because you are supposed to be the ones
who rely on superstition, on
faith, more than men
Thank you, women who work
because you need to rely on something,
you’re the inferior sex, remember?
rely on men, or rely on religion
either way, we’ll make you dependent
Thank you, women who work
because that sense of mystery
we attribute to you
is really the sense of hopeless fear
our religion instills on people
who don’t want to think for themselves
and turns people to us
because they have no other choice
Thank you, women who work
with your influence
we can get rid of this whole
reason thing altogether

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.