Dreams 01/19/04 Two, AKA
dog Stuck to my Face
There was an open area,
kind of like a cafeteria,
and women were at it,
all gossiping and stuff,
and they had a dog with them.
They were trying to
show the dog love,
and the dog was being affectionate,
not never getting too close
(kind of like how my cat Zach
will be, like to be near you,
buy doesn’t need to always be
close enough for you to hold).
Then I walked up, and I thought,
“hey, this dog loves me
(it was a little, friendly dog),
this dog will want to come to me”
so I walked up to the table,
get between a chair and the table,
and called for the dog. The dog,
instantly got onto the table and
came running up to me,
started licking my face,
and the next thing I know
the dog managed to somehow,
while licking my face, he
managed to start sucking on my cheek,
and made a suction on my face,
so this dog was then stuck to my face
(I don’t know how a dog can make
a suction with their mouths,
the way their mouths are shaped,
but that’s what he did).
I just started trying to
gently push the dog away,
because I didn’t want to be forceful,
but the dog was stuck there
and wouldn’t move.
So I said, “hey, help me,
this dog is stuck to me,”
after I stepped away from the table,
and this dog stayed stuck to my face.
Now he was just hanging from my face
without even standing on anything.
No one had panicked
because a dog was stuck to me face yet,
but this is when I woke up.

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.