Worn Out
June 7, 2004
I recently heard the theory
that the dead follow you
they stay with you
for the rest of your life
and the pull at you
and tug at you
and wear you out
until you die.
And are you doing this to me?
Are you pulling the color out of my hair
because I only noticed grey hairs
on my head after your death.
And come to think of it,
my back started hurting
after you were dead for a while
and -
and it that because
I’ve been carrying you around?
Are you clinging to me after you left?
Please, I don’t want to feel guilty
for leaving you.
Please don’t haunt me like this.
Maybe I should have been there
to see them lower your casket into the ground.
Maybe I should have seen you
in your suit and tie
in your coffin -
maybe then you wouldn’t tug at me
and wear me down
and make me feel old.
Because I recently heard the theory
that the dead follow you
and wear you out
until you die.
But I’m beginning to think
that the reason people get old
is because they’ve gone through too much.
And if the likes of you
leave the likes of me
you’ll make me wonder
if I’ll have too much baggage to carry.

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.